Chapter 25

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SeokJin's POV

A moan slips my mouth. As much as I wanted it to stay in it left me. As much as I don't want this I don't have a choice. As much as I want to pretend that the hands touching me are Taehyung's I can't ignore that they aren't.

My body is disobeying my mind. My body is feeling things that I don't want to feel. At least not by his touch.

"Pretend I'm Taehyung if you have to." The voice I despise whispers in my ear once again.

"It's been 3 months and you've healed. I'll make you mine now." He says with a commanding voice. As much as I want him to stop I don't say anything. I don't say anything because I'm the one who agreed to be his.

His lips touch mine, but I don't kiss back. I don't kiss back because they don't feel the same as Taehyung's. My heart doesn't beat for the man on top of me. It beats for another. I think that's the worst part of this. Feeling like I'm cheating when I'm simply being forced.

His hand slips under my panties. Finally my voice seems to get unstuck. "I-I do-don't want to." Those simple words are enough for him to stop.

He stares at me for a few seconds. "We'll try this again tomorrow." Is all he says before he walks out of the room and leaves me alone.

I hear the door lock. I should feel sad because I'm locked in this room, but it's the opposite. I actually feel safer this way.

A sniffle leaves my nose as I curl into a ball. 3 months. It's already been that long has it?

Three months of being in this house that is now my home. Three months of missing my MinJun. Three months of feeling unsafe. Three months of almost being touched by the one I hate. By someone that is not the one I love.

Three months. I wonder if I'll stay here forever. Rot and die in this room. Hopefully my MinJin doesn't ever question about me. Hopefully Taehyung tells him that he didn't even know who I was. Hopefully Taehyung finds another.   

That's what I should say but the truth is I don't want any of that. I want to hold my baby in my arms. I want to tell him that I love him. I want Taehyung to be mine and mine only.

I've realized that I don't even know if my baby is alive. I don't know if Taehyung made it out of surgery alive. What if all my efforts to make my baby have a happy life were gone to waste. Was me sacrificing myself for Taehyung the wrong choice? Did he die anyway. I won't know I guess, but I still love him.

"I love you Taehyungie." I whisper to myself. Over these three months I've told myself those words everyday. I never want to forget that I love Taehyung. I'm his. He claimed me many times. He hurt me, but when I looked at him in the eyes I could always tell that it hurt him more to do those things.

"I wish you were here with me." I say. I wish he was he here with me. Here with me so that he could hold me. He could pretend to love me like the last night I saw him. He could pretend to love me for the rest of my life, I wouldn't care as long as he was by my side.

I long to hear those three words from his mouth. I love you. I wish he could tell me that right now. I just wish that the day was the day we went on a date again. I wish I could go back in time so that this never happened, but that's impossible and will never happen.

Taehyung's POV

I sigh, frustrated with everything. It's been 3 months since SeokJin's been gone. I've been alone since then. I've been looking for a way to find him. To bring him back to me. I want him with me so I can tell him that I do love him. That It's not pretend.

The only thing that's been keeping me from ending it all is the hope that he's still alive. Our baby is another reason.

I've only found one thing that could possibly get me to him in these three months. TaeMin. Mother told me that TaeMin works for NamJoon. I took him into my torture room right after hearing those words.

He just hasn't spoken. He's been silent ever since I took him in there. Me threatening him didn't work. Me breaking his fingers slowly didn't work. Me cutting off his toes didn't work. Nothing worked.

I'm getting impatient here. It's getting to the point to where I want to strangle everyone in sight. I want to kill everyone. I guess I'll have to take my range out on TaeMin. I hope my range will get me some sort of answer. If I don't, I don't think anyone around me will be safe.

Sorry that this chapter had massive time skip. When I was writing it I just really wanted to finish this book lol.

Should I post all the chapters in one go? I wrote them all so I'd like an opinion lol.

Also poll. Is Jimin top or bottom? I really want to know what you think lol. My opinion is he's bottom.

Average TaeJin shipper: Ships Jikook
Me a TaeJin shipper: Ships Yoonmin
I guess I'm not average lol.

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