Chapter 7

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"I'm... pregnant." I whisper out, feeling all my emotions just come out in one second. Is this what it feels like to be scared, happy, and sad at the same time because if so I'd like to not feel it at all.   

Kim SeokJin's POV

"W-What." Jimin says in pure shock, a tear slips out of my eye and my lip quivers. "You heard me." I say trying to get out of Taehyung's strong hold. "Stop!" Taehyung yells out making me flinch, I stop trying to get out of his hold and just stand there, letting him grip me hard enough to leave bruises. There's silence for a few minutes until Taehyung's sudden laughter fills the room "That can't be possible." He lets go of me, staring down at me "You're a guy... that's just not possible." His voice is filled with pure disgust, my heart starts hurting  more than before. "It is possible, I took a pregnancy test!" I whisper yell, looking at both men in front of me. My eyes widen as Jimin starts walking towards me, eyes full of anger. "Dont. You. Fucking. Dare. Touch. My. Fucking. Property." Taehyung commands, Jimin flinches away which surprises me because I've truly never seen him this way. I was usually the one flinching away from him. "Look, I know I'm fucking hot and everything, but you can't just claim you're pregnant so you can stay with me. Anyway we've only fucked twice it's most likely his" Taehyung says with visible annoyance in his voice while pointing at Jimin. I feel my eyes start to water even more than they already did. "Why...why would I joke about something like that. Why would I purposely try to make myself sound like a fucking crazy person! Plus it had to be yours, Jimin and I haven't had sex in over 3 months!" I yell out, both males snap their heads towards me in a shocked expressionless state. No words are spoken for a few seconds. "Go back to your position." Taehyung says to Jimin in a strict tone. Jimin gets up, looking down, he walks all the way back to the kitchen. Away from sight, for some reason I felt more secure when he was here. "The dinner will be postponed to tomorrow night." Taehyung says to Hoseok, who just stands there with pure shock. Taehyung grabs me by the arm pulling me off to some random room. The room is much different from the one I was in earlier. It is much bigger, has many luxurious pieces, and it just looks like a normal room, not like that sex room I was in earlier. "Sit." He points to the big bed. I hesitate to sit because of the black silky sheets that look as if they could be ruined at any second. Feeling his deep stare, I finally sit down. "Are you sure?" His voice is demanding, making me shiver.                                               "Y-Yes..." He doesn't say much after that, just paces around the room in deep thought.      "This isn't good." He says so low I could barely hear him. "If he finds out—."  He stops walking, only to start walking towards me. He stops, he stands to where my face is met with his clothed legs. "It's not like you're important to me anyway, I don't care, I'll let him do whatever he wants." His eyes wander off to my stomach "To you that is... that child is a different story though." My eyes widen. I feel my heart start to shader, is he going to try to take my baby away from me? What does he mean by he'll let 'him' do whatever he wants to me? "W-What do you mean?" I finally ask, he chuckles "Look, baby, I'm not a good person, in fact I'm real bad. If he finds out about this, it won't end well for you." I stare at him confused, not really understanding what he means. He clicks his tongue "As in you're dead." My heart drops, tears threaten to fall out of my eyes, and I go numb. "And my baby?" I hold my stomach in a protective way, hoping that I can protect my baby, but deep down I know those are all hopes that will never be true. "I'll try to protect you while you're pregnant...Not because I want to or anything, it's just I need a heir. After you give birth, I keep the child and you leave." My eyes widen, no more tears threaten to fall, they just all come out like a overflowing river. "It's my baby too! And you act like you can give him the education he needs, I wouldn't want him to grow up to be like you!" I mean it's true I've only know this man for 2 almost 3 days and in that short amount of time I've noticed the jerk he is. I mean he knocked me out for god sake!
"You said 'he' how do you know it's a boy?" Taehyung asks. I smile, looking down at my barely visible baby bump "I just know." The room is dead silent for about 10 minutes straight. The air is filled with confusion from his side of the room. From my side it's filled with sadness and excitement. "How... how can you smile after everything I've told you? Shouldn't you be angry at that child? It's the one that got you into this!" I look up, meeting eyes with a very confused Taehyung. "It's not his fault now is it? If anyone is to blame here it's us because you didn't use protection and I didn't do anything to stop you." His face is blank for a few seconds, but his eyes hold so much emotion. They hold fear, sadness, and anger. I stare at him, trying to figure out the meaning behind each hidden emotion. He clears his throat "I'll be back, if you get hungry just go downstairs and talk to the chef." He smiles at the mention of the chef. "I mean you do already know him well. And you do know what will happen if you try to leave" With that he walks out of the room leaving me all alone. I get up locking the door, not really wanting to meet Jimin again. Sitting back down the only thought that goes threw my mind is "I need to figure out his emotions, his deepest emotions." The only reason I think this is because I saw the way his eyes screamed for help, the way they looked angry with the world. I've decided to unlock him, to figure him out. Is it wrong to not hate him? Is it wrong of me to not care if I risk my life just for this?

I'm getting sick
So I feel like this book sucks... I need someone to comment things I could do better (so please do that for me) (I can handle criticism so do whatever lol)
Well this is not edited ok bye

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