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I'm posting this for my birthday(I turned 16). Hope you like the new book

"Jihoonie." Soonyoung calls out to the pink haired boy. Jihoon looks up at him smiling as he sees Soonyoung make an attempt to kiss him. "You're so beautiful." Soonyoung whispers in his ear. Jihoon blushes as he hides his face in the older chest.

"Do you want to get ice cream with me?" Soonyoung asked after a while. Jihoons face lit up at the mention of the cold treat. "Yes! I want strawberry." Jihoon nearly sequels. "Come on let's go then." Soonyoung smiles taking his hand.

As they walk Jihoon can't help but admire the older. His faded green hair held out of his pretty eyes by a headband and the strong yet gentle grip on his hand were just a few of the things that caught Jihoons eyes. It was a quiet journey but Jihoon wasn't much of a talker anyways.

"You have something here." Soonyoung says as he points a his own face. Jihoon tries to wipe his face but fails. Before he can be sad about it Soonyoung kisses the ice cream away making Jihoon whine from embarrassment. "Don't whine baby." Soonyoung says grabbing Jihoon by the waste. Making the younger blush furiously. "You look so pretty while you blush. But then again you look pretty all the time." Soonyoung says leaning in to kiss the smaller one.


"Earth to Jihoon." Scoups says waving his hand in front of the dreaming boy. "What?" Jihoon asks snapping out of his wonderful day dream. "The bell already went. Let's go." Jihoon sighes as he packs his bag. "I want ice cream." He mumbles a bit sad. "What?" Scoups asks. "Nothing, let's just go."

"You do realize that you can't keep dreaming like that." Jeonhan says making Jihoon aware of an other person in the room. "First off all it kind of creeps me out. Second go and get your man. Or els he's going to find someone else." Jihoon just rolls his eyes at his friends remark. "I'm fine just dreaming. Besides he doesn't like me." Jihoon says leaving the room but not before yelling. "I'm going to get ice cream. You're free to join me."

Jihoon arrives alone at a small ice salon. It was really cozy and served his favorite strawberry ice cream. He loved it here. Sometimes he would go here and write some lyrics while enjoy some yummy ice cream.

"Green Apple sorbet please." Soonyoung asks as he sees a pink haired boy walk into the salon. While he waits for his order he recognizes the boy and begins to blush. He couldn't believe he was in the ice saloon with no one els than Lee Jihoon. The composer of the school. His songs were famous. But not many of his admirers had gotten the chance to talk to him thanks to the smaller excessive daydreaming and bad temper when disturbed.

Soonyoung took a seat not far away form Jihoon. He really wanted to talk to the younger but he was kind of afraid. Then it happened.

Jihoon waved in Soonyoungs direction. Soonyoung waved back with a smile. "Hi Jihoon." He greets. He notices the smaller blushing as he stands shocked looking at him. "Y-you know my name?" "Yeah. I think the whole school does." Soonyoung answers while eating his ice cream. "Your music is amazing. I even made some dance covers to them." "Thanks." Jihoon says bowing his head down a bit.

Jihoon couldn't help but be nervous. He was talking to the one and only Kwon Soonyoung. This wasn't a day dream for once. But he just had to make sure by pinching himself. "Ow." He mumbles. "Why did you do that? You shouldn't hurt yourself." Soonyoung says and Jihoon can detect some what of concern in his voice. "I just had to make sure I wasn't day dreaming." Jihoon whispers. "This is a 100% real." Soonyoung smiles.

The conversation was just staring to go smoothly till a familiar ring interrupted them. "Sorry, I have to get this." Soonyoung says as he picks up his phone.

After a short conversation he comes back to the table they were sitting. "I had fun talking but I have to go now. Hope we can talk more often." He smiles and leaves the building. But not before pushing a small piece of paper into Jihoons hand.

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