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I was going to upload this yesterday but I forgot. Also I went to the BTS movie / concert. That thing fucked me up. And my friend was screaming. I also yelled little meow meow when Yoongi's solo came on.

Jihoon couldn't bring himself to daydream the next day or even talk. Everything that made him happy seemed so dull. He had even denied going to get ice cream with his friends. He didn't know why but he sure didn't like it.

"Hi, Jihoon." Soonyoung greeted him. A small gosht of a smile hovered on his face. "Are you okay?" Jihoon pondered a bit before shaking his head a no. "Do you want to talk?" Jihoon shook his head again. "Do you want me too go?" Jihoon shook his head again. And that's how he ended up with Soonyoung inching closer to test if he was comfortable.

"Is this okay?" Soonyoung asked as their shoulders nearly touched. "Yeah." He basically mumbled. He was happy Soonyoung considered his personal space but also tried to get closer. Jihoons friends would either be too touchy or keep an reasonable distance, so this was new. But a kind of new he liked.

Jihoon decided to try something and link their pinky's. Soonyoung smiled as he looked and the now brightly red Jihoon. He was glad that the smaller was trying to get comfortable with him. "Do you want to watch something or go somewhere?" Soonyoung asked curious to how far he could go.

"Watch." Jihoon softly said. Soonyoung took out his phone and opened YouTube. "Any good YouTubers?"

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