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"Fuck fuck fuck." Jihoon panted as he whipped the sweet of his face. The visions of his nightmare were fresh in his mind make shivers run down his spine. Every time he would close his eyes in an attempt to sleep again he would see his fathers face haunting him. "Why does this nightmare follow me?" Jihoon muttered. It was the same nightmare as last time with the only difference being the prison.


Jihoon sat across of his father. He could see the cuffs on his fathers wrist that bond him to the table. It was the only reassurance he had for being save in his fathers presence.

"It's all your fault."

Those words started echoing true Jihoons head after an agonizing silence. The echo became louder as the room began to spin. Jihoon tried to keep up with everything but the next thing he saw was handcuffs around his own hands. His arms were covered with the same orange jumpsuit his father had been wearing a while ago.

"How could you?" A familiar voice asked making Jihoons head snap up. It was Soonyoung. "I trusted you. You promised you weren't like him. But I guess it's like father like son." Soonyoung said as his face slowly got covered by wounds and bruises.

Before Jihoon could say anything his fathers voice was he again. "Their is no escaping you fate Jihoonie." The man stood in front of the bars that randomly appeared.

As his father walked away with his footsteps echoing true the place Jihoon realized that he was in a prison cel. "Get ,e out of here! I didn't do anything wrong! Please!" Jihoon yelledin desperation. But as his pleads grew in volume laughter was heard. Mocking him as he stopped pleading and after.


That dream had been haunting him for days. He didn't know what to do about it but he knew what triggered it. That stupid bully. One comment and Jihoons mental stability was a laughing stock as it spiraled down. Without realizing tears had started streaming as he did the only thing he could out of impulse.

Opinion about the chapter here please.

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