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"So I come home happy to tell you guys about my date but y'all are eating each other's face." Jihoon says scrunching his nose up in discussed at both his brothers and their boyfriends.

"They somehow made a bet about who can make out longer. My bet is on Yoongi and Hobi." Yoonji explained. "Anyways how was it?"

"Wait, Jihoon went on a date!?!" Both Hoseok and Taehyung asked at the same time making them tear away from their partners lips. "Tell me about it." Taehyung said jumping of the couch followed by Hoseok and two whining brothers.

"Well, uhm..." Jihoon said playing with a small stuffy Soonyoung won for him. He never liked being the center of attention. "Go on. No ones going to judge or laugh." His sister encourages him while rubbing his back. "We went to the fun fair. We mostly played games and he won me this." Jihoon said shyly showing them the small turtle. "He, uhm also asked me to be his boyfriend and we, uhm, kissed." Jihoon said barley audible with a bright red face. "My baby brother finally has a boyfriend!" Yoonji cheered. "But you will stay single." Agust laughed getting from both his sister and Taehyung a slap. "Be nice." Taehyung whispered before pecking the orders cheek. "I'm going to my room." Jihoon softly said. He felt like he could overheat at any second now.

"Fuck now I'm bored." He muttered to himself as he laid on his bed. "Maybe I should dye my hair. I've been putting that of for god know how long." He chuckles at him self.

Instead of actually dye his hair Jihoon made preparations to do it the next day as it was late already. All he had to do before he went to bed was say goodnight to Soonyoung.

Jihoon 💕

Goodnight little polar bear

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