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I forgot to post this yesterday

A few months went by quick. And Soonyoung and Jihoon grew closer. Hey we're nearly inseparable at this point. Jihoon had also started opening up to the older about his problems and he couldn't be more happy that Soonyoung did everything in his power to help just like now.

It had been a fairly quite lunch apart from the drama qeeun known as Boo Seungkwam blaring on about gossip and stuff. Jihoon sat next to Soonyoung quietly eating his lunch. He didn't feel the need to talk at the moment. He just smiled at his friends and boyfriend conversing.

"Hey Jihoon." A guy suddenly said standing next to their lunch table. He was quite known for bullying. Jihoon just looked up at him in question. "Is your dad enjoying prison." Jihoons eyes went wide at the statement. The entire table suddenly went quiet. Most of them were glaring at the bully but none of them interfered knowing the consequences. "W-What?" Jihoon asked. How would know about his fathers inprisonment. "You heard me. Hopefully you won't turn out like him. You know the quiet ones always are the weirdest." He laughs along with his friends before walking away.

Jihoon looks down a his hand. Their shaking. He can feel his breath pick as the memories return.

"Jihoon?" He can hear Soonyoung call him but it's like he's far away. He feels like he underwater. He knows he's having an anxiety attack but he's already to far gone to think of a way out. "Baby were going to take you to an empty classroom." Soonyoung says comforting him a bit.

Once his breath is sort of even his eyes focus on Soonyoung and Seungcheol in front of him. "How are you?" Soonyoung asks as he goes with his hand true Jihoons hair. Jihoon takes a deep breath before talking. "Better I guess." He shakily admits. "Want to talk about it?" Soonyoung asks. "I was reminded of the thing my dad did to end up in prison. I never want to end up like him. He not only hurt his but he also manipulated me into thinking it was all my fault. I couldn't even look at my mom for a long time without having a break down thinking I would hurt her." Jihoon said as tears slowly made their way down his cheeks. "Do you want to go home?" Seungcheol asks him earning a small nod. "I don't want to be here anymore and on top of that I'm exhausted. I haven't had an attack in a few months." Jihoon said closing his eyes. "Don't fall asleep yet ice bear." Soonyoung smiled peck his lips. Jihoon could help the small smile that stretched over his lips. Jihoon blinked sleepily up to Soonyoung. He really got lucky.

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