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Prepare tissues 🤧 the second to last chapter

Jihoon stood in the airport at the gate. He was waiting for someone. It was peaceful since the airport was fairly empty. The gate door opened a few time and let some people out. Till he saw a familiar face. His heart sped up. He hadn't seen him in 2 years making him more nervous than he already was.

"Jihoon!" A voice said as he was hugged. "I missed you so much." As Jihoon looked up still in the others hold he could see Soonyoungs famous smile as he eyes squinted forming crescent moons. "I missed you too." Jihoon confessed.


"Can you stop smiling!" His aunt yelled. She hated how Jihoon didn't smile but as soon as his ex boyfriend showed up in his mind he did. "He won't come back to you. Keep those silly thoughts away." She said caressing his head. Jihoon had learned in a short time that his aunt was just as manipulative as his father. He ignored her and went to his room.

In two short but long years Jihoons life turned to hell. For the longest time he had trouble adjusting to everything new. In that time he sadly also lost contact with most of his friends. The relationship between him and his mother was badly bruised and unable to be fixed. In rebellious actions Jihoon came home late or wouldn't come out of his room clearly showing that he didn't agree with her choices. Sadly his mother died on duty while in the mids of a shooting making him life with his aunt as his brothers were across town and his sister in England. His aunt had custody over him and their was nothing he could but wait. College was only months away.

Being alone like that made him depressed. With no outlets he started smoking. Now Jihoon lit a cigarette in his room. It was the only thing he had as he couldn't make new friends and his aunt cut him off from the rest of the world.

The pit he had fallen in seemed to not have a bottom as Jihoons body endlessly fell. His only hope of saving was college. A new start as he would call it. The only reason he still did good in school and had a job. The money his mom left him instantly went to his college fund while he worked to be able to pay for all years.

But did it actually help. Would he really get a new start?

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