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Jihoon woke up feeling much better then he did most days lately. "Good morning Jihoon." His sister greeted as she woke him up. "Good morning noona." "Be quick before we eat all the breakfast.

The rest of the day went relatively uneventful but Jihoon still had a smile on his face. "I see your smiling." Soonyoung said sitting in front of him under the same tree after school. Jihoon just nodded feeling nervous to talk to the older. "Did you received my texts?" Soonyoung asked. "What texts? Sorry, I don't check my phone a lot." Jihoon says as he grabs his phone. "Don't worry about it. I asked if you wanted to go to the park after school. Which is now." "Okay." Jihoon smiled. He was happy Soonyoung wanted to do things with him. "Okay then let's go."

They walked to a park nearby. It was fairly calm as most people would go home instantly or be at the mall. "We could make our art projects here." Jihoon said as he looked around the place. "Yeah, your right. Maybe we should come back tomorrow and get some snacks too." Soonyoung smiled at the idea. "OMG." Soonyoung suddenly said grabbing Jihoons hand before dragging towards a bush.

"Look how cute they are." Soonyoung uwued at a small nest of rabbits. "Yeah, their cute." Jihoon said more focused on the fact that they were still holding hands. A blush spread over his face as Soonyoung smiled at him. He was actually holding his crush hand.

As the two walked further music started filling their ears. "You want to check it out?" Jihoon asked curiously look over at the crowd forming a little further away. "Yeah, come on." Soonyoung smiled.

When they arrived at the crowd they could see a few boys and girls dancing in the middle. One of them grabbed a microphone and asked if other people wanted to volunteer to dance with them. But nobody did so he made eye contact with Soonyoung and Jihoon asking them to come over. Soonyoung basically bounced at the opportunity but Jihoon was a bit more hesitant. After some convincing they both made their way to the centre of the crowd. Jihoon was a bit nervous when the music played. He wasn't a dancer but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy dancing.

"OMG you were better then I thought. Are you sure your not a dancer?" Soonyoung asked as they walked back home. "Yeah, I'm sure." Jihoon chuckled. "I liked it when you smile." Soonyoung suddenly blurred out. "W-What?" Jihoon asked trying not to blush. "I like your smile. You don't smile often from what I see. But when you do it's like the sun comes up on the North pool." Soonyoung explains. "You know what I just realized. Your like a small polar bear. I'm going to call you little polar bear from now on." Soonyoung said determent. Jihoon let out a small whine. He had always been a sucker for pet names.

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