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Yoongi ran to Hoseoks house as fast as he could. He didn't care that they were in the middle of a fight e had to see him.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok asked as he opened to door. Yoongi has instantly hugged him as tears ran free. "I'm sorry." "Hey, it's okay no need to cry." Hoseokie spoke softly while taking Yoongi inside.

"Hoseok, I'm moving." Yoongi said chocking on his tears. "To the other side of town in a month." "What?" Hoseok asked feeling sadness rise up. "I'm sorry. I made our last months together horrible by constantly fighting. Now I'm moving and leaving such horrible memories behind." Yoongi cried into Hoseoks chest.


"Tae." Agust said. His voice sounded emotionless nearly robotic. "Babe are you okay?" Taehyung asked worrying as soon as he heard his boyfriend. "I'm moving, to the other side of town." Silence over took the two. "W-What? Please tell me this is a joke." Taehyung stuttered. Agust just looked away sadly. "You can't go. I need you. And you need me. I don't know if I can survive without you here." Taehyung said as tears burned his eyes. "I'm sorry, we tried to talk my mom out of it but she is set on this." Taehyung let his tears fall making Agust hug him.


Yoonji hesitated before entering the building. She asked all her friends including Chris to meet her at the dance studio.

"Their is our gall." Chris says as Yoongi enters the room. He tries to put his arm around her but she shrugs him off. "I have news." She sadly says.

"You aren't sick, are you?" One of her friends asks worried. "Are you stopping with dance?" An other asks. Before Yoonji knows it she is overloaded with random concerned questions.

"No it's none of that. It worse." She says with a sad smile. "I'm moving" "Where to?" One of her friends ask. "The other side of town." She softly says. "I about a month I will be gone." She say barely containing her tears. "I won't see you guys regularly anymore or even this dance studio. Everything I build here is going to be left behind or destroyed in time." She says as tears drip down her face. Before she knows she is in the middle of an group hug.


While his siblings are out telling their friends that their moving Jihoon is hesitant about doing that. He feels like a soon as he tells them it will be real. He doesn't want to leave. Like his mom said he's getting better. They didn't leave when Jihoon was clearly effected by the situation. As a matter of fact no one did a thing. All they did was sit back and watch so they could comfort him later. As he was think he felt himself getting angry. He finally was getting better, had his first boyfriend who he had been crushing in for years and now everything was taken away from him.

His phone startled him out of his thoughts. He picked it up seeing that Soonyoung was calling. He didn't want to talk to him at the moment. He will probably instantly be able to tell that something was wrong. But against better judgement Jihoon answers the phone.

"Hi Hoonie." Soonyoung happily greets.

Before Jihoon can let the tears that have been burning his eyes fall he hangs up the phone. He couldn't do this. If he was telling him it shouldn't be over the phone.

Where are you?
I need to talk to you face to face

I will meet you at the park near the entrance

2 more chapters

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