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"Hello?" A sleepy voice answered. Jihoon suddenly froze as he realized what he did. "I'm sorry. Just go back to sleep. I shouldn't have woken you up." Jihoon quickly said trying to get the other to hang up since he didn't have the heart to do it. Only hearing Soonyoungs voice and knowing he was on the other side of the line helped ease him a bit.

"What's wrong baby? Why are you crying? You know you can call me anytime right? Please talk to me." Soonyoung said hoping the younger wouldn't hang up on him. Only small sniffles were heard form the other side of the line. All the sleep he previously felt when he picked up the phone was already gone all Soonyoung cared about now was making sure Jihoon was okay.

"I have been having nightmares." Jihoon softly hugging sniffled. Soonyoung was silent on the other side so Jihoon could find his words and courage to speak. Jihoon was glad the older always gave him the time he needed. "About my dad." Jihoon could feel his breath pick up slightly by just saying those few words. "E-every time I e-end up in the situation he wanted me to believe was in. I'm so scared Soonie. What if this dream becomes reality. I don't want to hurt you or anyone for that matter."

"You won't. I will make sure of it. Besides my little polar bear wouldn't hurt a fly." Soonyoung said making Jihoon smile a bit. Soonyoung kept saying sweet things to cheer Jihoon up making the smaller giggle from time to to time.

"Soonie?" Jihoon asked big nervous.

"Yes, baby?"

"Can I come to your dance practice tomorrow? I really want to see you." Jihoon asked hoping for a yes.

"Of course you can. The others are dying to meet you."

"Really?" Jihoon asks sniffling a yawn as sleep catches up to him.

"Yeah they want to know who I none stop talk about." Soonyoung laughs. "They also really like your music." Jihoon hums softly on the other line. "Polar bear I think it's time for you to sleep. Do you think you can?" Soonyoung asks knowing that Jihoon is about to fall asleep on the phone.

"Yeah, thanks for talking to me."

"Don't sweat it. Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight Soon-ah hyung."

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