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"What happened to your hand?" Soonyoung asks concerned as he saw his boyfriends bandaged hand. "Remember how my sister was upset yesterday. I tried to make her hot choco and I burned myself." "Aish, you need to be more careful. I don't like the thought of you hurting yourself." Soonyoung said kissing the smaller forehead.

"Come on you two love birds. If we don't get going we will be late for class. And you know how mr. Choi is on Mondays." Seungcheol says. "Honestly I don't give a shit about your brothers mood on Mondays." "It's not like I wanted him to be a teacher. Let alone my teacher." Seungcheol groaned. "Okay, Okay let's just go. I think Monday moods run in the family." Jihoon teased before they walked off.

When Jihoon arrived home that day there was a serious aura that kind of scared him. "We need to talk." His mother said leading him to the living room where the rest of his family sat and Taehyung. Taehyung seemed to be attending to Agusts wounds. "What happened?" Jihoon asked. "Your hyung over got into a fight again." Taehyung tsked. "Babe I need to go. Take care." Taehyung said pecking Agust lips before going.

"I have news which you all might not like." Their mother started. "We're moving." She announced. Everyone instantly started to protest. "I know, I know but we can't stay here any longer. We're all mentally effected by what happened here. The twins are having problems with relationships, Agust is getting violent and I cannot stand being here anymore. Jihoon is the only one getting better. A change of scenery will be good for all of us and I can't keep paying rent for this house." Everyone was quite after her explanation. "How far will we go?" Jihoon hesitantly asked. "The other side of town." "What!" Everyone exclaimed at the same time. "But our relationships here?" Yoongi questioned. "It's my final decision. We're moving in a months pack your things."

Sorry, not sorry

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