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Saturday arrived and Jihoon couldn't stop day dreaming about how the date would go. Soonyoung would pick him up around midday and than what? A slight nervousness settled in his stomach as he looked at the outfit his sister picked for him. It was his favorite black nasa shirt with light washed ripped jeans and some old light yellow converse.

A soon as he was ready he left his room while looking at his phone. Soonyoung would text when he arrived. He was so immersed by his phone screen he didn't look where the stairs ended. "Fuck." He cursed as he fell down the last few steps.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked as he and Jihoons other siblings laughed. "Yeah, I'm fine." Jihoon grumbled. "You should probably look where your going. You don't want to end up in the hospital before your date." Agust comment in between laughing.

"Don't torture the boy." Their moms voice boomed true the room. Jihoon couldn't help but flinch. He was on good terms again with being near his mom but he still felt a bit uncomfortable. "He has a big day a head of him. Cute him some slack." She tutted playfully. "Also I just saw a boy arrive." Just then a loud ping came from Jihoons phone. "I need to go. Bye guys, bye eomma." Jihoon said rushing out if the house while grabbing his belongings.

"Greet now I'm the only single one in this family." Yoonji grumbled making her brothers laugh. "Won't worry you'll find someone. I mean even I did." Agust said.

"Hi." Jihoon greeted shyly. "Hey." Soonyoung smiled. "Ready for our date?" Jihoon nodded as Soonyoung handed him a helmet. "Hop on."

"I thought it would be fun to go to an fun fair." Soonyoung said a bit nervous for Jihoons reaction. Maybe it was to childish. He should have gone with something more adult. Jihoon will probably find him a baby for his choice. But then when looked at Jihoon all his worries disappeared. Jihoon had a bright smile on his face and looked exited. "I never been to one but I always wanted." Jihoon admitted.

After several games and 3 small prizes the two settle on a bench with some street food. Jihoon had some spicy ddeok-ko-chi while Soonyoung ate some ramyun. The sun was stetting making the sky a light purple with pink. "I had fun so far." Jihoon confesses. "Me too. Sadly it has to end soon." Soonyoung pouted. "But if you want to become my boyfriend we can go out on many more day." Soonyoung said scratching his head. "I would like to." Jihoon smiled. "How about we go into the Ferris wheel before we go home. The sunset must look beautiful from up there." Jihoon said looking at the attractions. "Okay let's go." Soonyoung said dragging him to the line.

Luckily the line wasn't all too long and within a few minutes the were seated. Both of them looked anywhere but at each other. They were too self continuous about them holding hands and the new relationship status. "Hey, Jihoon?" Soonyoung began. "Y-Yeah?" "Can I kiss you?" Soonyoung asked not wanting to make the younger uncomfortable. "Y-y-Yeah." Jihoon stutter. Both were a mess of nerves. Soonyoung slowly leaned in as Jihoon did too. The kiss was nothing more then a small peck. One that made both of them happy and kind of sealed the status of officially being boyfriends.

Who in bts should be Agust his boyfriend?






Hoseok is already Yoongi's

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