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This chapter is a bit of a mess.

When Jihoon woke up all he could do was smile. He was still really tired from waking up in the middle of the night while swarmed by anxiety. He couldn't help but think of Soonyoung and his sweet words. He thought of the arrangement they made. Dance practice was in the midday so he could still catch some sleep before he needed to go.

When he woke up again he was smiling again. He quickly made himself ready this time wearing a pastel bleu shirt with black jeans. His blond hair sat messily onto of his head as he went downstairs.

"Good morning Jihoon." Agust greeted. "Are you doing anything today?" "I'm going to watch Soonyoung Dance today." Jihoon smiled. "Is everyone going dancing or something? Yoonji is also going." Jihoon chuckled at his brother. "Where is Yoongi hyung?" "Sleeping like always." "What are you going to do hyung?" Jihoon asked as he prepared his own breakfast. "Miss Taehyung while I'm at work." Agust pouted. "And they say I'm whipped." Jihoon said letting out an airy laugh.

Jihoon are a quick breakfast before leaving the house along with Soonyoung.

"Guys this is my boyfriend." Soonyoung announced causing nearly everyone to swarm around the couple in a matter of seconds. Jihoon felt a slight panic rise up in him as he hid behind his boyfriend. Soonyoung noticed Jihoons discomfort and told everyone one of before checking on Jihoon. "I'm fine." Jihoon reassured him. "Just tell me when you..." "Yes, I will now go to your friends." Jihoon said interrupting him.

"I can't believe you got a Lee-Min to be your boyfriend." Jungkook exclaimed. That entire family is like savages." "Watch your mouth over grown bunny." Jihoon said looking Jungkook right in the eye. "Be nice Kookie." Jimin warned before greeting Jihoon with a smile. "You're just happy because I'm smaller than you Jimin-sshi."

"Savages they are indeed." Hoseok laughed. "Hobi hyung." Jihoon smiled. Hoseok was one of the few of his brothers friends he could stomach. "Hi, Jihoon-ah. Are you joining the lesson?"

"Yes, he is." Yoonji said from the door opening before throwing in a bag with dance close for Jihoon.

"Well go change then." Hoseok encouraged. "But I'm not a good dancer." Jihoon muttered. "For experience I know your a great dancer." Hoseokie said winking at the younger. "Now go change. The rest of you start stretching." Hoseok instructed.

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