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"Are you okay sweetheart?" Soonyoung asks as Jihoon whips his tears away. "Y-Yeah." He just breath out. His body is still shaking a bit after his panic attack but Soonyoung helped his true it. "Thanks Soonie." Jihoon says nuzzling his face into the crook of Soonyoungs neck. "You down need to thank me. I'm always here for you sweet cheeks." Jihoon stays quiet after that. He just enjoys Soonyoungs warm hold. Normally he would shy away from touching anyone but Soonyoungs touch is always soft and caring. He's always careful when touching Jihoon even if it's just handholding he will always make sure that Jihoon is okay with it.


Jihoon rolls in his bed so he's now facing his desk. Above the desk his wall is decorated with Polaroids of him and his fiends along with fairy lights and some small decor pieces. He sighed sadly because maybe Jeonghan is right. He should get out of his head more often. The thing is Jihoon can't really stomach reality. Their is just to much bad in this world.

Suddenly a loud crash is heard just outside his room followed by screaming. His parents were fighting again. Jihoon curls into himself trying to zone the noise out.

His door opens slowly. "Hey Woozi." It's his brother Yoongi along with his twin sister Yoonji and their older brother Agust. "Can we crash in your room?" Yoonji asks. Jihoon just nods. His room may be the smallest out of all in the house but their is enough room for them all to fit in.

Jihoon sits up so they can all sit on his bed. Agust put on some music to zone out the screaming and it works for most part. Jihoon cuddles into his sister side seeking a bit of comfort in her embrace. They just sighed in silence till they hear a other loud crash and a scream of pain following. This time closer to the room. They look at each other in fear before running out of the room.

What they see is nauseating. Their mother is bleeding on the ground as their father stands looming over her. The smell of alcohol lays heavy in the air making them all more uncomfortable. "You." Their father suddenly says pointing at Jihoon. "This all your fault. If your stupid self wasn't gay or what're you call yourself this wouldn't have happened. Look what you did to you eomma." He slurs as he tries to punch Jihoon. Agust and Yoongi tackle their father before he can touch Jihoon as Yoonji checks on their mother and calls an ambulance and the police. But all Jihoon can do is try to control his breathing as he approaches his mother. This was all his fault. He should have never come out as pan sexual. He takes a step closer to his mother but his legs buckle as his vision darkens.

When he wakes up he's straddling his oldest brother while they sit in their mothers hospital room. "Jihoon don't worry. Your okay, moms okay and dad got taken away by the police." After hearing that Jihoon begins to cry. It's his fault all this happened. "Don't cry Hoonie. It isn't your fault. It's wrong form dad to let you believe that. It was brave form you to come out. I mean non of us are straight but you had enough courage to come out." Jihoon leans into Agust chest as he sobs quietly. "It's going to be okay. We're here for you."

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