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Jihoon let's his body fall onto the cool ground as soon as the lessons ends. He has never danced this intense. All he did was sometimes short lessons from his sister but that was it.

"You got talent for dance." Someone comments making Jihoon look up. "I heard you can also sing pretty well and write your own numbers. Have you ever considered becoming an idol?" Jihoon blinks up at the boy. "Yeah but it's nothing for me. I rather stay with my friends and family then life a live apart form the world. But I would like to be a producer." Jihoon answers truthfully. The idol life kind of scares him. "That's a nice way to think. I'm Minghao by the way." "I'm Jihoon." Jihoon says as he can see Soonyoung smirking in the corner of his eye. He had told Soonyoung that he didn't like to meet new people because it often triggers his anxiety which made Soonyoung really happy when he did talk to new people.

After a while Soonyoung walks over tossing Jihoon a water bottle. "I see you too are getting along." Soonyoung smiles. "Yeah, I approve of your boyfriend." Minghao smiles. Jihoon looks at Soonyoung with a confused look. "This is one of my best friends. He doesn't go to our school though. That why you probably have never seen him." Jihoon nods as he feels Soonyoungs arm grip his waist. "Ieuw don't we're both sweaty." Jihoon whines while softly pushing Soonyoung away. Soonyoung let's go of Jihoon and places a kiss on his cheek. "Let's go so we can shower." "Seems like a good idea."

"Boys I will bring you I'm going to see Yoongi anyways." Hoseok says. "Okay, I will go get Yoonji." Jihoon says getting up.

There is some angst coming up. Also you might have noticed the change in titles. I found out in missed a letter so I changed it.

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