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A bit on Yoonji's side of the story

"Hello beautiful." A thickly accented voice stay into the nearly empty dance studio."What do you want Chris." Yoonji answers coldly. "A date." "I already said no to you." Yoonji says while setting up the music system. "Your playing hard to get again." Yoonji ignores him and starts dancing. Chris slights up behind her and dances with her while grabbing her waist. "Tell me why don't you like me?" He asks curious. "I have a gun." Is all Yoonji warns. "Oh, I know. But that didn't answer my question. Aren't you at least interested in being friends? Am I that bad?"

Yoonji stops dancing and turns of the music. "Please leave." She says holding back tears. Chris stares at her surprised by the sudden mood change. "Please." She repeats. "I'm sorry." Chris says leaving the room.

As soon as the door closes tears run free. "You shouldn't be. I'm just to broken." She mutters to herself as she tries to stop the tears.

"Noona, were going. Hobi hyung offered us a ride." Jihoon says coming into the dance studio. "Have you been crying?" He asks seeing her red eyes. Yoonji only nods as she wills new tears back. "Wait for me I'm coming with you." She says packing her stuff. He voice sound full of weight from the sadness that is prominent.

When the siblings arrive at the car Hoseok can instantly see that she has been crying. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah. Please jus bring me home." She says not looking up because Hoseok will know she's lying. Hoseok gives her an comforting hug before stepping into the car.

As soon as Yoonji walks into her room she starts crying again. Loneliness overwhelms her senses making her run out of the room straight to her twin brother.

Yoongi automatically hugged her back and let her cry. Yoongi and Yoonji were the most suborn when showing emotions so this didn't happen often.

"What happened?" Yoongi asked when she calmed down a bit. "There is a boy that likes me and I like him back. But I'm scared. I'm scared I will end up like mom. Everything was okay for the longest time and mom is a strong woman. She is a cop for crying out loud. It only shows that this can happen to anyone. And I'm terrified of it happening to me." Yoonji confesses still in tears.

Just then Jihoon walked to them with a cup of hot choco. "I tried to make hot choco for you but it didn't end so well." Jihoon said showing his freshly bandaged hand. "That's so sweet of you." Yoonji said accepting the cup. "Do you feel better?" Jihoon hesitatingly asked. "Yeah I do." Yoonji smiled. It felt like a weight was lifted of her shoulders just by talking. It didn't solve the problem but it definitely helped emotionally.

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