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I was wondering when you would text me


Jihoon didn't know what to do after that. His mind froze keeping him from thinking of an answer.


We should hang out together

Yeah we should
When are you free?

Tomorrow after school I have time
We should get ice cream
I have been craving it for a while

Me too
Meet me after school by the school gates

See you then


As he saw that Soonyoung went off line Jihoon basically threw his phone with a bright red face. Maybe he wasn't going on a date but he was hanging out with his crush. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!" Jihoon screamed into his pillow. This was really happening.

"Jihoon are you okay?" Yoonji bursted true the door. "Yeah I'm better then fine." Jihoon smiled. "Tell me what happened. You barely moved for the past two days and now your giggling and shit." Yoonji asked a bit weirded out. Instead of telling Jihoon crawled on his bed to retrieve his phone and show his messages. "I finally did it." He smiled.

"Is Jihoon okay?" Agust voice could be heard from down stairs. "He's better then fine." Yoonji yelled back. "

"Come on let go show them. You little dreamer." Yoonji said walking out of the room.

"Jihoon your back." Jeonhan said hugging the smaller tightly. "Hyung I can't breathe." Jihoon wheezed. "Sorry. How are you and how is your mom?" "I'm great and my mom is getting released from the hospital today. She had a concussion and pretty deep cuts but she fine now." Jihoon smiles. "What got you smiling so much?" Seungkwam asked. "Soonyoung asked if we could hangout. So were going to the ice salon after school." "No way." Both boys said in shock. "Show me evidence." Jihoon retrieved his phone showing them the messages. "You finally talked to him. I'm so proud of you." Jeonghan said hugging the boy again.

Jihoon stud at the school gates fidgeting with his bag as he waited for Soonyoung to come. In his last hour nervousness settled in him making him close to a nervous wreck.

"Hi Jihoon." Soonyoung greeted. Jihoons face darted up too look at the taller. "H-hi h-hyung." He stuttered. "No need to be nervous." Soonyoung smiled. Jihoon was pretty sure that his entire face was red by now. "Let's go."

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