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A/n: I accidentally deleted half of this chapter so I had to rewrite it. Also please vote at the end.

I'm sorry about today
I didn't want to distress you
Are you okay?
Please answer me
Jihoon I'm really worried
I should tell you in person but I really like you too
I fact I have been crushing on you for over a year
Jihoon please answer


Jihoon started at the message in disbelieve. Not only did Soonyoung care about his wellbeing but the feeling was mutual. With out knowing tears started to steam down his face. You could call them tears of relief. It felt like with each tear a bit of weight was lifted of his shoulder. He was so happy he nearly forgot to respond to the text.

Sorry I didn't mean to make you worried
And I'm okay
I was just overwhelmed

Oh thank god your okay
I don't know what I would have done if you weren't knowing it was my fault

Did you mean it?

Mean what?
The fact that I was worried about you or that I also like you?

The last one
Yeah of course
I wouldn't play with your feelings like that
Form experience I know it sucks
But would you want to go on a date with me?


Jihoon nearly jump of his bed while reading the text. After reading it a good 20 times just to be sure he quickly answered with a 'yes'.

"Jihoon?" His oldest brother voice startled him out of his thoughts. "Are you okay? I heard what happened." "I'm fine. I'm better than fine actually." Jihoon grinned. Agust just looked at him confused. "Soonyoung asked me on a date!" He cheered. He must have looked like a teenage girl fan girlling over his crushes but he couldn't find it in him to care. "That's great." Agust said a bit stiff. He wasn't good with these stuff. "I will get Yoonji."

"You don't need to I heard!" Yoonji yelled running into Jihoons room. "We need to find you an outfit!" She said before turning to Agust. "Also Yoongi's boyfriend is here so you could better go to your room." "Thanks and good luck with your date."

So which bts should we do for Yoongi?

And should Agust be an ace sexual or be in an relationship with some of bangtan or single

Should Yoonji have an boyfriend or girlfriend or single.

Vote here


- yoonjin



I won't do yoonmin because it's kind of overrated



- or a ploy of choice


-ace sexual

-a bangtan meber(s) of choise


- boyfriend of choice

-girlfriend of choice


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