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"It's going to be alright Hoonie. I will stick by you no matter what." Soonyoung says he hugs Jihoon. "But I'm monster. Look wheat I did to my mom. Why do you think it won't happen to you." "Because it's not your fault and you know that." "J-just go a way!" Jihoon yells.


"Woozi why are you crying?" Jeonghan asks concerned. Jihoon didn't even realize that tears had escaped his eyes. Jihoon shook his head. He didn't want to talk about it. But if he didn't he would only make it worse for himself and his friends knew that. The events were already slipping into his daydreams which meant nothing good. "Come on Hoonie. You know what will happen if you don't talk. You don't have to tall me about it but tell someone." Jeonghan says petting the smaller head. "My mom is in the hospital." He finally mumbles. "And it's my fault." "What happened? Is she okay?" "It happened again. My dad came home drunk and they were fighting. We heard a crash and found mom bleeding on the ground. I fainted after that but I know why they were fighting because of me again." Jeonhan hugged him tightly. "It's not your fault Hoonie. And you know that. You just have to believe it." Jihoon wanted to yell that it was his fault but he kept quiet. He wanted this conversation to be over a fast as possible.

The rest of the day Jihoon spend worrying over his mother and blaming himself. When he got home he pushed away his brothers and sister that wanted to comfort him. He knew they meant well but he needed to be alone with his thoughts even if that meant his thoughts were poisoning him. After a few hours he silently cried himself to sleep.

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