Day 6

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ERICA WOKE up with her first hangover. It hurt like hell and she felt like shit. She promised she'd never ever drink again if this would only stop. Really. No more alcohol ever. She covered her head with a pillow and tried to go back to sleep. It was no use, the throbbing in her head wouldn't let her.

Eventually she crawled out of bed, took some headache pills and hoped a hot shower would make her feel better. It didn't. She threw on some jeans and a t-shirt and made some coffee, then sat on the terrace feeling miserable.

FELICITY WOKE up with a grimace. The Mongols were camping in her mouth again, for the second time in two days. Worse, some Huns were rampaging all through her skull. She lay there for a few minutes, then got up slowly. If you didn't fall asleep again within five minutes then you were out of luck and the only thing to do was brave the world and get on with it.

Her robe was on the floor, by her feet. Most unlike her, she hung things up or at a bare minimum, at least put them on a chair. She donned it and made her way to the kitchen, poured some coffee from the jug, Erica must have made some, bless her. She took some of the headache pills from an open box lying abandoned on the counter next to an empty glass.

She found Erica on the terrace, looking as bad as she felt.
"It looks like we both had too much to drink last night," she said. Erica grunted her reply. They sat there in silence sipping their coffees.

It was cool this early, but not cold. The coffee felt good. Hopefully the pills would kick in soon. Alone with her daughter might have been the ideal time for that little chat, but she doubted either of them would be up to it. She certainly wasn't and she had other things on her mind.

The dope had probably made her hangover worse, Felicity suspected. She'd never had a problem recalling the previous evening's events when she'd had too much to drink, but it took a few minutes for everything to come flooding back in full clarity this morning.
Well, here she sat, an adulterer. Despite her upbringing, her own parents, her previous views, she didn't feel bad or guilty about it, which was a bit of a surprise, if she was honest with herself. Was that how David felt too? Well sod him, it was all his fault to start with.

Yes, she'd had too much to drink. Yes, she'd smoked dope, but in the end she'd been very willing when the chance came and that was all down to David and his many, many dalliances. She had no regrets. No, actually she had two, although were they really regrets?

Firstly, she may have acted a bit silly and drunk at Moses' bar. Had she embarrassed Erica dancing with those two boys? She looked over at her, but Erica's face was motionless, staring straight ahead, grim and almost a little green.

Welcome to the world of the occasional hangover, darling.

In the end Erica had seemed happy enough, David had said nothing, so perhaps it wasn't as bad as she thought.

Secondly, Barry. Not him per se, or what they did, no, certainly no regrets there. She hadn't planned it, or set out to do it exactly, well, not with him, not that soon, it had just happened. Her idea had been made but she'd thought it would take months to find somebody to get her own back on David with. Felicity had never really expected to do it on this holiday.

But she had, with Barry, literally just hours after she had thought of cheating on David. And how wonderful it had been. She closed her eyes and smiled at the recollection: the lovely things he said; his sexy lithe young body; the unexpectedness of it; his touch on her, those lips and his tongue between her legs; the illicit, outdoor urgency; how he felt inside her; that orgasm, which even now at the recall of it, sent a tingle all over her body. How he'd excited her! She'd never felt like that ever before.

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