Day 9

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DAVID HAD gone to work early. He always woke her up. Normally she would go back to sleep. It was 7:30am. Felicity lay in bed wide awake. She was slightly disappointed Teddy had not messaged her yesterday. She'd felt sure he would. Surely he wouldn't forget about her? It wasn't just a one night stand, well, a one afternoon stand, was it? That would be a real downer. A real dent to her confidence and self-esteem. Not exactly used. She'd wanted to make love to him, from even before he invited her back to his room, if she was honest with herself. There had been a lot of opportunities to say no. She'd let it happen because she wanted it to. If that is what it was, then at least it had been a very wonderful afternoon. She sighed.

Coffee. That would wake her up and take away the growing pit in her stomach. She got up, slipped on her bathrobe and went to brew some. Whilst the coffee machine was doing its thing, she went and checked her phone. Maybe she'd not heard the message tone yesterday.

It had not been a bad day, but they'd been outside and sometimes it was noisy, especially in the evening. Quite a fun day and there had been no snakes or hordes of insects. Erica seemed to have enjoyed it, which was the point really. She'd especially loved the Hard Rock Café.

There was nothing. No missed calls or messages. She slipped the phone into her pocket and went to pour some coffee.

"Good morning, Mummy," said Erica as she dashed past towards the bathroom.
"Good morning, darling," she said, virtually to thin air.
Well she looks chirpy this morning, she must have enjoyed herself yesterday.
More than her own enjoyment which had been dulled a little waiting for Teddy's non-existent message.

ERICA HAD slept in the end but had woken at 7am. Four hours! She was getting excited and nervous in equal degrees. She tried to calm down a bit.

Get organised.
The first thing was what to wear? Something knockout, something that would impress Bill. She went through all of the limited wardrobe she'd brought, holding it up to herself in the mirror. Erica couldn't decide. It was day, so an evening dress was silly. Jeans were a bit too casual and ordinary and probably too hot. The pink skirt needed washing, some drink had got spilled on it at Bob's. The new long skirts were, well, too long, they covered too much. She had a black miniskirt. Maybe. What to go with it? Which top? Which shoes? Which underwear?

Almost 8 o'clock! Time to get in to the shower. Her hair would take a while to dry, it was pretty long. She practically barged past Mummy in the kitchen.
The shower felt good with the temperature turned up high. Erica carefully scrubbed everywhere. Particularly with the special feminine intimate body lotion. With any luck he would be touching there soon. That gave her a tingle. She resisted the urge to touch herself imagining his fingers on her. It would be for real soon.

Think, girl, think.
What to wear? Of course. Something that would show that off and her legs and her bum.
Her new hot pants.

Erica sped out of the shower in her bathrobe with a towel around her head and headed back to her room pausing only to quickly pour a coffee. She sat naked in front of the dressing table mirror carefully blow drying her hair. Should she tie it up? She gathered it up and checked the mirror. No. Ponytail? No. Just leave it as it is. It suited her.

Make up. Mmm, maybe no lipstick. That might put Bill off, it didn't taste very nice and it might stop him kissing her. Eyeshadow? She didn't have anything that went very well with the hot pants and if she matched her top that would take the focus away from the hot pants. Ditto with eyeliner and mascara. She took a sip of coffee.

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