Day 14

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DESPITE FEELING a little rough after last night's partying with Sam, Erica was up early. She was a little excited about meeting Guy by the pool. She'd looked forward to it most mornings and there was a twinge of sadness that it would be the last time. Sam was right, there wasn't much wrong with Guy, he was okay for a boy, they had a lot of fun.

She took a quick shower which perked her up, then made a flask of coffee. The rest of the apartment was silent.

Were Mummy and Daddy waiting for her to leave so they could do it? Have a Saturday morning shag while she was out?

She giggled to herself and headed off to the pool. Erica didn't want to be late. Guy wasn't there yet, but it was only ten to eight.

Why was she so eager for him to be there?

She checked her iPhone for messages. There was one from Jessica from last night.
'Where are you? Are you busy with a boy?'

She'd studiously avoided her for a couple of days, not wanting to have to recount her disasters. Or hearing about her progress with bloody Graham. Maybe she'd done it with him! No, if she had, she would have been gushing about it in her message. Hopefully she was having as much bad luck with boys as Erica. She'd better be, Erica didn't want to be beaten by her on the boy front.

Footsteps sounded on the pool stones.
It was Guy!

He had his infectious grin on his face which made her smile as he sauntered towards her. Instead of his normal board shorts he had on a pair of tight black Speedos. There was a big rounded bulge in them. Erica caught herself looking at it as it swayed sexily as his hips swung whilst he walked towards her.

"Hi," he said, obviously pleased she'd made it early.

He casually looked her up and down. She was wearing the green version of the bikini she'd worn last time. He wasn't staring but his look seared into her.

"Hi. Would you like some coffee?" she said as calmly as she could. For some reason her heart was beating fast and her stomach fluttering.

"That would be nice," he said and sat down next to her, close.

She could smell the shower gel that he'd used. That was somehow sexy too.
Erica poured the coffee and handed it to him, trying not to look at that big bulge that rested now on the sun lounger, or thinking about what his thingie looked like. Erica was only partly successful, feeling gorgeously guilty.

Quickly she poured her own coffee and distracted herself with stirring the sugar she'd put in. He was sweet enough already.
Yes, he was.

"It's going to be a nice day," she said idly.

Of course it was, how bloody stupid, all the days were nice. Well, they were if it didn't rain. It was the rainy season, so it could pelt down for a short while, the air damp before the sun dried everything out again. They'd been lucky so far.

"It could be," Guy said, strangely and mysteriously.
What did he mean?

He didn't elaborate so they drank in silence. They kept glancing at each other and kept catching each other doing so, each looking away embarrassed when they were caught.
When he handed her his mug back, their fingers touched. It was like a static electrical shock, giving her a strange twinge deep inside below her waist, leaving her helpless for a second or two. That was weird. She put the things back in her bag.

"That pool looks inviting," he said.
Suddenly he got up.
"Last one in's a sissy," he shouted taking a running dive.
"That's not fair!" she said laughing.

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