Day 5

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ERICA WOKE with a start. She had been dreaming about Bill. They were on the beach, lying together and kissing. Somehow her bikini top was off, he was on top of her and his mouth was hovering over her breast, her nipple hardening in anticipation of feeling his mouth on her when she woke up. Damn! How disappointing! She couldn't even dream about what she imagined he would do with her.

What would it feel like? She closed her eyes and squeezed her nipple. Would it feel different if he was doing it? She really wanted to know.

The ache of not knowing if he would call returned with a vengeance. How could he leave her waiting like this? It was pure agony. Surely he would text her today. He must have enjoyed their kiss too. Would he not want another one and maybe more, like she did?
She got up, showered and made some coffee. She didn't know what to do this morning.

FELICITY WAITED for David to leave for work before she got up. He was in a jolly mood, no doubt planning how he was going to fuck his secretary. Personal Assistant. Ha! Bet she knew all about assisting personally, the bitch.

Well she'd spend the day contemplating what she would do to the bastard. He wasn't going to get off lightly with this one.

DAVID'S PA took the call from her boss. He had some other business to attend to today, so he wouldn't be in, but she could call him late in the afternoon if there was any further delay on the deal. She put the phone down and thought about it. If he was going fishing or playing golf, he would have said that. She knew he didn't have any other business, but there was an outside chance that he had run into someone and some business was possible. More likely the business was of a personal nature and she knew exactly what that meant: the bastard was dipping his wick in some other woman.

Hardly surprising given his past form, she had to admit, but they had only been here a few days. She would have to turn on the charm a little more and hope that this dalliance wasn't more than fleeting. Another woman would make things much more complicated.

FELICITY STRODE up the beach. She had no idea where she was going, but she needed time to think. She arrived at Moses' bar, but it was too early and it was closed. The town would be too busy for thinking and she didn't feel like walking all the way up the beach, so she sat down at one of the tables. This would do, it was quiet, with no distractions. Perfect for plotting a little revenge.

ERICA WAS surprised that Mummy was up and had left so early, walking off along the beach by herself. It was just after nine o'clock and she had no idea what to do today. Waiting for Bill to call was getting worse as time passed by. She could sit by the pool, or walk up the beach, or look around the shops. She wasn't in the mood for any of those, really she just wanted to be with Bill, but he wasn't calling. Maybe he wouldn't. That would make her feel shitty and be a real downer.

She needed to cheer herself up. Maybe she would see if she could find those hot pants again. Yes, that would pass the time and maybe lessen her melancholy mood. She chose a loose skirt and a t-shirt to wear and was just deciding on what shoes to wear when her phone buzzed.

Omigod, it was him! Actually him!

Bill had texted her! Her heart was pounding as she read it. He said 'Hi!' and would she like to meet him today at ten o'clock, at that bar they'd met at?

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Now she was in a total panic of euphoria, excitement and what on earth to reply to him.
She hesitated before she replied and tried to breathe normally. Her friends had said it was best not to seem too eager with boys, to appear cool towards them. Was that the right thing to do? She didn't want to put him off. How could she sound interested yet cool at the same time? But ten o'clock wasn't far away, she couldn't hesitate too long.
Her fingers seemed immobile as she wondered what to reply. In the end she said simply, 'Yes, I'd love to, see you soon.' Should she add a kiss? Oh God, what should she do? She decided against and sent it. The reply was simple: 'Great!' Yes it was, but didn't seem to invite a further reply.

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