Day 13

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THE TOWN had been interesting yesterday, but Erica couldn't face another day of traipsing around trying to forget the crap that had happened. It was time to get real.

Yes, she'd been upset by what had happened with Simon, but that was mostly because of her own expectations. It's not like he was a proper boyfriend or anything. It was the same with Bill really. She'd seen both of them only three times each. That was hardly much.

Let's face it. She'd planned on having a holiday romance, to have sex with a boy, to lose her virginity not to find a boyfriend. That was impractical, Sam was right there. Even if by some chance she finally got to do it with Bill, and it went okay, and they both liked it, and he wanted to carry on seeing her back in London, she was at school most of the year. Not that he'd probably have much free time with his bloody family.

Everything else had been silly, childish romantic notions. She'd got romance, with Simon taking her clubbing and Bill's picnic, she just hadn't had the sex.

Erica had rather assumed that any boy she did it with, would want to do it again with her, but maybe that was hoping too much. What if she was crap at it? She didn't have much idea about sex, so that might put any boy off. Maybe Sam was right again, she should just pick any boy, do it and never see him again. That way she'd at least have some experience for the next boy and wouldn't be quite so clueless. This whole thing was a lot more complicated than she'd imagined.

Simon was out, of course. She never ever wanted to see him again, not even to get one over on the bloody fiancée. Bill maybe, if he really was serious about her and his family didn't always get in the way. He was cute and sexy enough.

Did a boy have to be if she just wanted to have sex with him?

It would help, she thought, but maybe best not to set the bar too high. Nerdy immature weeds were not going to be in the running, but an average looking boy would be okay. Super sexy would just be a bonus. Well, sexy enough to turn her on, she guessed, like Simon and Bill had done, otherwise wouldn't it be weird?

Tomorrow she would have wasted two weeks. She still had four weeks left, but a third of the holiday had gone, so she needed to focus on the goal.

Besides, she didn't want Jessica to beat her to losing their virginity. She'd never hear the last of it. Erica wondered how many of the other girls at school had the same plan for the holidays. Probably most of them. She couldn't start her final year being the only one who hadn't done it. Priscilla would be even more unbearable if she'd done it, it would be so embarrassing.

Erica was almost regretting not accepting the invitation to stay with Virginia at her stately pile. She doubted she'd still be a virgin by now what with all the myriad of visitors and staff and Virginia promising to set her up with some sexy hunky boy.

Well, she wasn't there, she was here, so best make the most of it. The unwelcome face of Miss Woods incanting it hove unpleasantly in to view, but she supposed Miss Woods was right about some things. Carpe diem, as she was fond of saying. It was up to Erica to seize the day and nobody else and no day like today.

So she'd go to the beach. There must be one decent boy in seven miles of beach surely. Somebody who would want to make love to her. If it was Bill, then good, but she was doubting that more and more.

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