Day 12

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ERICA FELT vile and only part of it was what she had drunk last night. She felt guilty about Bill and was still smarting from the humiliation with Simon.

How could he have done that to her?
It was the meanest thing that had probably ever happened to her. She wanted to take a great big eraser and rub him out of her mind completely, but his face lurked deep in the depths, mocking her.

It was all her fault. She should have stuck with Bill and not been greedy. It was selfish and uncaring. Bill thought she was all for him and she'd been willing to cheat on him, as it were, just because she was in a hurry. And because Simon was a bit sexier. It was true, although Bill was very nice and more than adequate.

Maybe Sam's advice wasn't much good after all. The older man had turned out to be a right cad. Playing two at the same time had made her feel rotten. She couldn't believe she'd kissed them both on the same day. What a little tart she was. Erica sighed.
Nothing would get better lying in bed so she got up and made some coffee, heading out to the pool again. The bright spot was that Bill had said that he would call her today. She'd make it up to him although of course he'd never know anything about Simon. They'd make another date and she'd try and move things along if Bill's bloody family got in the way again.

She sat on a sun lounger sipping her coffee. But the total disaster of Simon kept filling her thoughts. Evidently she'd read far too much into his intentions, but then he had kissed her and squeezed her bum, so he had led her on. If only she'd confronted his smarmy fiancée with her superior attitude and had told her what Simon had been doing with her. Or maybe the bastard did it all the time and she'd just laugh it off. Well, she was welcome to him.

But it still felt like a knife twisted in her that Simon had never said that he was engaged, that he obviously set up meeting at the club to humiliate and destroy her. He must have known how she felt about him.

"Hello," said Guy. "You don't look very happy today. What's up?"
"Nothing really." Erica wasn't very convincing.
"Something must be wrong to darken the face of the prettiest girl here."
He was trying to be nice, but he did keep saying that she was pretty. He was only the boy by the pool, but she needed somebody to talk to.
"It's a boy."
"Usually is," he said, sounding way more mature than his years. "What happened?"
"We went out a couple of times and I thought we got on really well," Erica said after taking a deep breath.

Guy said nothing. She'd said nothing really. It didn't sound like a big deal did it, without more detail? He was obviously waiting for her to go on.

"We did some very suggestive dancing. We kissed and groped," she added and blushed.
"Did he kiss you or you kiss him, or had you both drunk a lot?"
"We had drunk a bit, but he asked if he could kiss me."
"Oh, that changes things, so it wasn't accidental like. Go on."
"I said yes, so we kissed. Properly." Erica shot Guy a glance. He was impassive. "Then he groped my bum and slid a finger up the leg of my shorts."
"That was naughty of him."
"Oh, I didn't mind, in fact I quite liked it." Erica grew redder.
"You liked him a lot then, this boy?"
"Yes, I liked him a lot. Well, man really, he's older. About 30."
"That's not very old really."
"I suppose not. But it's not that, it's something else. I mean not that he groped me or was older, he was very sexy actually."

If Guy was upset by that or the inference he didn't show it.

"So what is the problem, except I presume he dumped you?"
"That's bad enough," she admitted, "but it was how."

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