Day 18

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AS USUAL, David awoke Felicity when he got up for work. She'd been dreaming about Teddy. He'd been about to enter her, whispering that he would make her come in his oh so sexy voice. Her disappointment about being woken was palpable. That had been so different yesterday, on the phone with Teddy. Felicity had found it surprisingly arousing.

What other annoyances were to come?

"When's the wrap up dinner?" she asked.
"Probably next week. There have been some problems," David replied. "You could skip it, if you wanted to."
That was odd, he usually insisted. But it would be such a bore, a repeat of last time. Felicity didn't really want to go to any more, ever. David was giving her a let out. She'd take it.

He went off to work. She was fully awake now and couldn't go back to sleep. She headed for the shower, wondering if Teddy would call again today. But there was no way she was going to stay in the apartment all day, just on the off chance. But she could sit on the beach in her white swimsuit and not be too far away if he did call. Maybe it would be deserted enough on the beach for telephonic fun play. The thought was deliciously naughty.

ERICA WAS in Hell. Ray's car had driven up Hell Road and parked. It was his idea. Hell was a formation of limestone rocks, very rugged and more interesting than she'd at first thought. Snippets of geology in her geography lessons came back to her.
Ray seemed as knowledgeable on geology as he was at biology, pointing features out to her. It was quite awesome to think that these were ancient sediments that had been uplifted from the depths of the ocean over millions of years, sometimes with fossils of things that had died and sunk to the bottom.

Naturally they visited Hell Gift Store. You always had to get a tacky souvenir, that was part of any holiday. Erica bought half a dozen postcards along with a silly thing that would sit on her chest of drawers. It had an inscription: 'I've been to Hell and back.'

Postcards were really old school, but her grandparents liked them. They could have had an immediate picture by email instead of waiting weeks. She filled them in hurriedly as they paused for a cold drink.
'I'm in Hell! But it feels more like paradise. Superb beaches, lots of boys and bars. Having a whale of a time. Bet you wish you were here!'

She wrote the same on each one, except she left out the bits about boys and bars on the two for her grandparents. They would be postmarked Hell Post Office, there was a special one probably just for this. That was kinda cool.

She bought some stamps and mailed them. That would keep the grandparents happy, and the girls. Jessica probably wouldn't get hers until after her holiday in Miami, but she couldn't leave her out.

THE CLIENTS had signed. The deal was over. It should have been over last week if the clients hadn't played at being wankers. Now David could concentrate on having fun for himself. He'd earned it. Of course he'd tell Felicity he was still working for at least another week, ten days maybe, but that gave him a lot of time to have some daylight fun with Diane. Maybe with somebody else too whilst she was playing hard to get. But at least work wouldn't get in the way.

Now there was the dinner to look forward to this evening. The prospect was brightened considerably with Diane being there.

"What sort of thing should I wear this evening?" Diane asked.
"Not jeans," he said laughing, although he bet her bum would look good in tight jeans. "A dress would be nice, something feminine rather than business."
His own concession to it being an informal wrap-up would be to not wear a tie, probably like the clients. David hoped Diane would wear something sexy. Maybe after the dinner and copious drinks he'd be sliding her out of it.

FELICITY HAD got bored on the beach. The swimsuit had got her some looks, but the sun was too bright to read comfortably. She didn't fancy swimming, the salt in the water made her skin feel manky when it dried.

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