Day 19

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DAVID WAS up at his normal time. Not that he had work to do, but he had to keep up appearances for Felicity. That would make his fun days a bit of a killer. His first stop was the spare apartment, to change out of his suit. He'd already stashed some clothes there.

Having donned some beige chinos and a light blue shirt, he gave the place a check through. Everything had to be perfect for when he needed it, with suitable stocks of drinks and snacks. There were a few things to get, particularly some condoms. He'd probably have to use one with Diane, and he didn't want anything to go wrong there, or give her any excuse to wheedle out of sex. One disaster was enough.

He'd do the shopping, and then drop in at Diane's hotel further up Seven Mile Beach. David didn't think he'd need the apartment today. He was hoping her hotel room would get used a lot, but it was better to be ready. She might continue to play hard to get for one thing, but there was also the possibility she wouldn't want to do anything in her room. Sometimes neutral ground was a better option.

It was still a little early even for shopping, so he went to look for a decent place to have coffee. No doubt it would become a regular haunt every morning for the next ten days or so.

David took the long way around the complex. It was another bummer but he had to be careful to avoid Felicity and Erica. He should be safe at this time of the morning, but it was better to be prudent.

IT HAD been very late last night when Erica had sent a message to Bill.
'Okay,' she'd written. 'Let me know when and where.'

He'd not replied, which she'd expected because of the time. So now she had to wait for him to get back to her. As always.

It was 8am and she was by the pool. Erica had not been there since Saturday on Guy's last day. It would have been too painful. Not that it was that easy now. She could see the spot where she'd been against the wall of the pool, just as she was about to yank down Guy's trunks.

What a nightmare.

If only they'd had longer. Then she could have told bloody Bill to take a running jump. She wasn't really sure why she was still willing to meet him. Instead she could be doing something fun with Ray.

By nine he still hadn't messaged or called her, so she went for a swim. She'd chosen her yellow one-piece again. Erica really liked the colour, and it looked good now that she had a bit of a tan. Bill had seen four of her bikinis, so this would be something different and, hopefully, it would make him realise what he'd missed. If he was at all still interested that is.

She swam around and found herself close to where she'd been, where Guy had been so delightfully pressed against her. It was here somewhere. She judged the spot by where the ladder was. This was it. Her highest score on The Stages yet. Erica sighed. She wondered what Guy was doing on Cayman Brac.
Was he missing her too, or had he found another girl to call pretty?

FELICITY HAD heard Erica leaving. She was feeling a bit vile. Unusually she'd not even woken up when David left. Clearly the skirt was not lucky. There was nobody that interesting at Stan's, so she'd got drunk instead. The after effects of her bag being snatched, she told herself, although she knew part of it was the mystery man disappearing from her life. A little bit was that Teddy hadn't called either.

It all made today seem hollow. She could cheer herself up by going lingerie shopping. That had been sidetracked yesterday with what happened. There was still the mint green set to buy, and she wanted some bra and panty sets too. Felicity dragged herself out of bed. Perhaps a shower, and a coffee and painkillers would help.

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