Day 32

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ERICA WAS at the kitchen table drinking coffee when Felicity arrived.
"Good morning," she said to Erica.
"Morning, Mummy," she replied.

Erica looked a little pensive. She was probably thinking about what to do today. Felicity hoped she wasn't upset at not being able to spend the day with her father.
David had said not a word when he got back last night thankfully. He'd obviously been drinking but he wasn't drunk. Likewise she'd said nothing.

What else was there to say?

She hoped that what she'd said was sinking in. Yes, she had lost it a little in the end, but it had mostly gone according to plan. Two whole days without the bastard would be good. It would give her some space and let him dwell on things. If he thought it was going to all blow over this time, like every other time before, then he had another think coming.

"Is everything alright, Mummy?" Erica asked.
"Yes, everything's fine. Why?"
"Well I just wondered, you know, after the argument with Daddy at the restaurant."
"Yes, darling, everything's fine. Sometimes in relationships you have little disagreements, then everything is okay again." Felicity smiled.

Everything was fine, in a way. Fine for her, she was heading in a new direction, to a happier life. The mechanics of it all were a little uncertain, with David, her marriage, not least poor Erica, but that was still to be sorted and there was no point in worrying Erica now with unknowns.

Felicity wondered whether she should talk to Erica. When it all came to be sorted, what would Erica do? Remain neutral, or side with her father, which was most likely, or her mother? That was tricky, neutral was probably the best all round, at least for Erica, but Felicity would have to work on it. She couldn't face that today. Maybe they'd spend a day together again. The one they'd spent shopping at the beginning of the holiday had gone quite well.

"I've got something to ask," Erica said.
Was she going to force her hand and ask her something about her and David? But when she looked at Erica, she had that look that said she knew she wouldn't be allowed to do what ever it was she was asking for.
"What is it?"
"I want to spend the day with Sam – since Daddy's away – and she wants to go clubbing in the evening. I was wondering whether it would be okay to stay the night at her place?"
"Isn't she working?" Felicity asked.
"She's got a few days off," Erica replied.

Felicity considered it. She'd stayed a few times for the weekend with school friends during holidays and sometimes her friends with them. That had been after phone calls with their parents. Erica was with her friends all the time at school, but she didn't have many in London and the country village was small.

She hadn't had many sleepovers, because of boarding school. That was mostly Felicity's doing because she felt she couldn't cope with her as a young child. Now she was older there was a little regret and guilt.

Sam was okay and she'd met her. Erica was on holiday too and they'd both have to put up traipsing around with David for the rest of the holiday. She should have some more fun while there was still the chance. No point in David fucking everybody's life up.

"I don't see why not," Felicity said finally.

"Oh, thank you Mummy," Erica said beaming. She jumped up and kissed her on the cheek then trounced off to her room, presumably to get ready.

Erica felt so excited and happy. She could spend all day, all evening and, best of all, all night with Ray! She couldn't wait to tell him. Mummy was so nice and she was glad that everything was all right between her and Daddy.

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