Day 10

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DAVID'S PA brought him his morning coffee. He seemed very chirpy again today. She'd thought he would have come knocking on her hotel door by now but she hadn't counted on the annoyance of that woman with the curly hair.

So on Sunday she'd worn the lingerie that she'd draped over her chair to freshen up the scent of her on it. Now it was just as casually rearranged on the chair in case he knocked. It probably wouldn't be too long if he lived anywhere up to his reputation.

At least she'd had a fairly leisurely Sunday free from all work and stress. Things had turned out nicely, so she'd spent some time on the beach and hitting a bar or two. Yesterday had been a fairly easy day work wise, the deal was progressing, held up only by client niggles which they couldn't do much about. Far too much drinking in the evening though. She'd have an early night tonight, provided of course, that David didn't come knocking. She set about the little work that she had to do.

FELICITY'S PHONE rang. It was Teddy. Erica had gone to the pool so she was safe to answer it.
"Hey, how are you today?" he said.
"I'm pretty good after yesterday. You should see the smile on my face."
"Yesterday was something pretty special. You are awesome, Felicity."
"You're pretty awesome yourself."
"I don't think I've ever been called awesome before." Teddy laughed.
"Well you are," Felicity insisted. "All of you, not just the important little bit," Felicity giggled.

"Thank you for the note. The sheets did smell of you. And for the panties. It was a nice surprise."
"Did they give you sweet dreams?"
"Sort of," he answered.
"How do you mean?"
"Well I have an admission to make."
"And what's that?"
"They reminded me so much of you and the memory of you riding my cock, that I got so horny I jerked off with them on my face. Breathing in your scent made me so hard."
"Well at least they came in useful! Not the same as the real thing though."
"No, but I aim to rectify that."
"Oh do you?" she laughed.

"Yes, I do! Look, I called really to let you know my plans. Today is very hectic on the deal and tonight it's the wrap up dinner with the clients. Tomorrow just a few loose ends to tie up so I should get away early. Thursday I'm off all day, my one day of holiday, then I'm afraid I fly back on Friday. I should have booked more holiday with hindsight. I've tried to change flights but it's too late without big expense on my part and the alimony payments won't allow that."

"Well as long as I get to see you again, I'll be happy," Felicity said.
"If you'd like to, that would be brilliant. Like I say I have all day on Thursday, so maybe we could look around or something."

"I can think of something," she said, giggling again.
"I'm sure you can! What I'd like to do is take you somewhere nice for dinner on Wednesday evening and maybe go to a club. I can afford a nice night out, but not plane tickets," he laughed. "How do you feel about that? Do you think you can get away on Wednesday evening?"

"Dinner sounds nice. I've not been to a club in years."
"So is that a yes or a no?" Teddy asked.
"That's a yes. I'll think of something."
"Swell. Okay I'll book a table somewhere and let you know tomorrow where it is. Is that okay?"
"That sounds fine."

"Are you sure that won't be a problem?"
"No. I'll find some excuse. I'm looking forward to it. Don't jerk off again though, save it all for me!" Felicity said daringly.
"Okay then baby, I won't," Teddy laughed. "I'll call you tomorrow and let you know where to meet. I miss you."
"I miss you too."
"'Bye then."

It wasn't a surprise, she knew Teddy only had a few days left, but at least she would see him again. Dinner sounded lovely although the club was more daunting. But why not? She could dance, she wasn't in a Zimmer frame yet. She'd wear her new red dress. Perfect. Just the question of whether she wore knickers with it or not. She wondered which Teddy would prefer. Dinner, dancing and, she was sure, some glorious sex afterwards. It sounded a very fun evening. She was quite excited with the idea of partying with Teddy.

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