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"You are insane..." Bonnie mumbled, his words still made no sense to her.
Klaus smiled and handed her the Grimoire. "It was a lot of hassle to get my hands on that one, so don't let me down Bennett."

"You can't make me do this, I won't do this!" she said determined.
Klaus shrugged. "Very well..." he grabbed his cell and handed it to Bonnie. "Choose wisely who you will be saying goodbye to firstly. Jeremy, Elena, your mother..."

Bonnie clasped her lips. "You've threatened me once and I gave in, it won't happen again."
His smile was taunting as only he was able to pull off. "I have hybrids ready to collect hearts love and not much patience for your high school drama."
"A spell to sent you back in time so that you can get Tatia's blood? That's sick and twisted to name only two."

"I find it genius as well." he squinted amused at her.
"Go ahead, start killing everyone on sight; it still won't make me do this, I can't do this." she said and pushed the magic book away from her.

Klaus seemed even more amused that she was putting up such a fight. "You are terrible at your bluff sweetheart, you should practice more."
"It's not a bluff Klaus... this type of spell is too powerful for me, I can't do this." Bonnie almost sounded honest to him.

Klaus sat lazily on the edge of his desk. "Let's think about this for a minute shall we? You almost killed me once, undid my mother's spell and you brought back Jeremy from the dead... shall I keep going love?" Bonnie looked down as he smiled and gave her a look. "That's what I thought."

"Well maybe you are the one bluffing." she looked up.
Klaus' body shook with laughter. "You are adorable!" he said pursing his lips.

She squinted and Klaus felt a sting of pain in his head, he quickly grabbed her throat and she was fighting for air. "But don't make me hurt you. I need you but I'm sure you can still perform a spell with a few broken bones."
Bonnie fought his hold and tried to not show exactly how scared she was of his piercing blue eyes. "Maybe I can push you enough to kill me and then you can go straight to hell." she still managed to say.

Klaus smiled and released her; he could hear the front door to his house open. "I think what you really need is a little encouragement." he said and tilted his head smiling.
Bonnie gasped when she saw Kol carrying Caroline unconscious in his arms.

Kol dropped her on the couch and gave Klaus a sarcastic smile. "Enjoy!" he said and went to fix himself a drink.
"What is this?" Bonnie asked terrified now.

"I knew you would be reluctant, to say the least, so I took care of it." he said and slowly got up from the desk; he came near the couch where Caroline was and removed her beautiful hair away from her face, almost in a sweet caring gesture so Bonnie found.
"Don't hurt her..." Bonnie whispered picking the Grimoire from the table.

"I would never." he simply said and his expression was serious again. "Unless you decide to do something I won't approve."
Bonnie looked for the spell she needed and started reading it at once, if he wanted to go to hell she would send him right there and fast.

Klaus looked at Kol that came near him.
"Are you sure about this?" Kol asked without much fuss.

"I'll be back soon, try not to cry too much over my absence." Klaus teased him.
"I'm not Bekah." He simply replied enjoying his drink and then looked at the witch.

Bonnie had her eyes closed saying things in Latin that no one really understood.
"I really hope you are doing the right spell sweetheart..." Klaus said.

She sensed his malice and opened her eyes to look at Klaus, something felt off. "What are you planning exactly?" she asked him with growing suspicion.
"You didn't think I would let you send me back in time just like that, did you sweetheart?" he asked with a knife in his hand.

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