Bearing the truth

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The kiss was slow and sweet; indulging in everything that they still weren't ready to admit, their actual feelings for each other. Bonnie traced his back with her hands slowly and while one found his hair, the other rested on the small of his back accompanying his slow thrusts.
Kol cupped her cheek and it was as if she was one with him, she kissed him back but this time it wasn't a long kiss, just a sweet taste of tongues.

She whimpered feeling it all coming to an unwanted end, she wanted to keep feeling him move so perfectly and feel his weight crushing her sweetly and his hands all over her body soothing her burning skin. To keep kissing him and look into his eyes.

Bonnie moved her leg, she needed him closer to her; she gasped in pleasure when his hand came in touch with her skin, adjusting his movements to new position.
God, he could be evil when he wanted but she loved every second of his mischievous ways.

She closed her eyes moaning with his soft lips on her neck and pulled at his hair, stroked his neck and then his shoulders that waved under her touch.
They locked stares again, heavy with passion but not only that.

She felt him grip the mattress under them and she wondered if he was fighting with the inevitable end that neither wanted or if he was fighting with the same thing that was consuming her. It wasn't just that she liked being safe around him anymore or that she enjoyed being with him. She was in love with him.

Bonnie touched his face, inches away from hers and teased his lips with hers waiting for him to close the silly gap between them; she didn't have to wait long, he was as caught up as she was and kissed her swiftly melting his tongue against hers.

The way his name left her lips after that between painful moans was intense and hard for Kol to focus; it was unusual for him to feel this way about someone but when they finally came undone and their bodies gave in at the same time, he rested his forehead against her sweaty shoulder feeling vulnerable and exposed to something he gave up a long time ago.

Klaus was generous with his drink; he took the strong alcohol eager to tame his rage. He was tired of doing everything for them to only have them spit on his face every chance they had. The drink didn't sooth the turmoil that was growing inside of him and he slammed the glass hard on the table filling it again.

Caroline watched him quietly from across the room, for now it was safer to keep her distance, he went very quickly from sadness to rage and she wasn't that certain if he wouldn't flip the switch and hurt her. He had his broad back on her, both hands resting over the table staring at the bottle. There shouldn't be much left in it since he was pouring glass after glass.

Caroline looked at the bottles in the little table next to her and grabbed one, she took in a deep encouraging breath and walked slowly to him.
Klaus seemed to have forgotten entirely that she was here by the way he looked at her.

She smiled, too sweetly and warm for her own good. "It's not very chivalrous of you not to offer the lady a drink."
Klaus eased up after an almost unbearable second and reached out for the bottle, she expected that disarming smile of his to make an appearance but Klaus didn't indulge her this time.

He poured one drink for her and another for him. "You should go back to Mystic Falls Caroline; I'm not very stable to be around right now."
Her hand faltered as he spoke the words handing her the drink and she took it shaking slightly. "I've lost count of the times you could have killed me Klaus. You've never given me reasons to fear you."

Klaus turned his back on her and went to the big window in the room; he had his drink in silence, staring outside to the dark night.
She had hers slowly, keeping her eyes on him.

He was still in silence when she finished her drink; she left the glass behind and sat on the couch quietly as well. She checked on her messages and sent one to her mother, she even played a silly game she found but was quickly bored and put her phone away. Caroline crossed her legs on the couch and took his ring off, playing with it, twirling it around and then slowly dropping it from hand to hand.

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