Protective Instincts

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"Kol Mikaelson you are distracting me!"
"I'm not doing anything." he said lazily lying on the grass watching her during the most boring task ever.

Mirela took another immaculate white sheet and gave it a good shake before stretching it neatly over the wire and strapping it down, leaving it to dry. Kol rested on his elbow with a smile watching the beautiful girl with the black long hair and the simple dress.
When she was done, she looked at him and placed her hands on her waist. "Are you done undressing me with your eyes?"

Kol smirked and swiftly stood up, he came to her and laced his arms around her. "I could pretend I wasn't doing just that but you know me well."
Mirela pushed her long hair behind her shoulder and crossed her arms. "My father was not pleased that I spent the last two nights with you."

"He is welcome to come along, it might turn a bit awkward for him but I don't mind." he shrugged.
Mirela laughed and rolled her beautiful blue eyes. "Already my brothers want to teach you a lesson..."

"Let them..." he shrugged again.
She lost her smile and left his embrace. "I'm not at odds with my family Kol... I love my family."

He smiled. "I like your family as well."
Mirela used that sweet side of hers and stroked his soft features lovingly. "Will I ever meet your family?"

"God forbids!" he said scared.
She took it as a joke and walked back to camp, he smiled and flashed to her, kissing her cheek after lacing his arms around her again.

"You shouldn't be using your abilities in plain day..." she giggled with his sweet kisses on her neck.
"Then entertain me..." he moved his hands over her body sinfully.

Mirela rested against his chest and closed her eyes. "What if someone sees us?"
He smirked and turned her around cupping her face. "I'll make them forget... Lumina noptii mele..." he whispered in love.

She shook her head smiling at his defying ways but easily gave in; she was so in love with him that every second with him was a blessing. She wasn't worried about her family now as they made love on that field.

Present Mystic Falls

"I'm going with you." Bonnie walked determined to the door.
Kol grabbed her arm and easily led her to the couch where he sat her, she gave him a fuming look. "You are staying here, inside the holiness of Nik's castle."

She folded her arms. "Do you want a headache? I have this urge to pop an aneurysm."
"I'll be left drooling on the floor but I will still stop you from leaving this house."

She pursed her lips mad. "I have to leave this place eventually."
"And you will but not before I make sure my dear father isn't around trying to kill you."

"He isn't..." she unfolded her arms and sweetly cupped his face. "Let me go with you, if he wanted me dead he would have chopped my head when he had the chance."
"No." he said with a smile.

She removed her hands from his face and folded her arms again upset. "Fine, I'll just wait here like the good hostage that I am."
"Wonderful." he quickly left towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Elijah stood by the door waiting for him.
"Over to Bonnie's."

"I'll accompany you."
"I don't need a bodyguard." Kol wasn't too happy with the company.

"Not up to discussion." Elijah warmly smiled at Bonnie and left.
Kol definitely didn't like the sidekick but he didn't have a choice, when one of them wanted something there was no way around it.

Bonnie looked around the large room irritated, she hated when she wasn't in control of her choices.
Rebekah almost missed her; she dropped her school bag on the couch and sighed at the witch. "Are you moving in now?"

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