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Kol looked up at the glass being offered to him.
"Changing of the guard." Elijah said with a smile.

Kol silently took the blood ignoring Rebekah that left his side for the first time since she sat next to him.
Elijah rested against the wall standing across Kol that was finishing another message on his phone. "How is Bonnie?"

"Enjoying the messages; it's called Sexting, you wouldn't understand." Kol easily found his way out in sarcasm.
Elijah smiled reading Kol like on open book, they were able to find a way to comfort each other and for now that was helping keep Kol under control. He hadn't move from the hall but he wasn't trying to go inside the locked room either. "She makes you happy." Elijah stated what anyone could see.

"Yes, when she's not trying to make my brain implode she's an actual bliss to be around." Kol put his phone away and drank the blood slowly.
"It's not your fault Kol."

Kol raised his eyes to the older brother half way through the drink. "Why would I think that?" he asked into his glass.
"You have the same look Niklaus had after Henrik was dead and very much the same you had after you lost Mirela as well."

"It's not the same thing." Kol quickly made the distinction.
"I know and her fate will also be different." Elijah tried to comfort his brother.

Kol dropped the glass slowly on the floor next to him. "She's in pain because of me, because my existence pushes her to be everything she is not, a killer."
"It's remarkable how you and Niklaus were drawn to two women that hold your redemption as part of who they are. Their beliefs are the very thing that will save you both in the end."

Kol laughed dryly. "There is no redemption for Nik and I. Only a slow process of inevitable doom and that may be the only thing that in the end will free us all."
Elijah stared at Kol puzzled as the troubled younger sibling stood up and left the hall.

Rebekah stretched her arms tired as she made way to her bedroom but saw Klaus buried among Shane's things and smiled. "Where is Caroline? I'm surprised she left your side or at least the other way around."
He looked at his sister shamelessly teasing him. "She went to get food for Bonnie. I think Kol was on to something when he used that knife on Shane." Klaus tried his way out of a very unwanted talk with his baby sister.

But Rebekah wasn't letting him out of it so easily. "So when she returns you will slam her against a wall and finally kill all those urges and tension between the two of you?"
Klaus looked away from the file in his hands and licked his lips upset, staring at nothing in front of him. "I'm not having this conversation with you Rebekah."

She quickly turned and sat on top of the table looking at him amused. "I'm the one that has spent all that time with you... I am such a big part of your life and you can't imagine it without me." she smiled with malice reminding him of his own words in the past.
Klaus dropped the file bothered with her sneaky ways. "If I knew the compelling wouldn't work I would have never said those things to you."

Rebekah flashed her biggest smile yet. "All that resistance to admit you can actually love is blinding you from the truth hitting you across the face Nik... Everyone in this family loves you even when you push us away and Caroline... well she's just so in love with you that we might just have to get her a spot in that storage for the family's blood supply."

She could see Klaus' features softening up to the idea, Caroline living with them and choosing him was a wish that he didn't even dare to nurture properly. "I can see it all now, the little hearts over her blood bags sweetly resting close to yours... all snuggling in love." she pushed him with her head to the side teasing more and more.
"Don't you have Matt to go chase after?" he finally had enough.

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