The river

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Bonnie watched the two Originals talk and pretended to be busy with her task, she had enough herbs for ten spells already but she kept an eye on them and another on the green plants in front of her. Klaus nodded at Kol, Caroline was by the door of their hut pretending to be busy as well, trying to get a huge stain out of her awful dress.

Bonnie grimaced watching her friend in such bad shape, she really had the worst old dress ever and it was all dirty now, the only thing still remotely close to the picture perfect Caroline was the hair that she was perfecting with every day, trying different braids.
Bonnie looked down again on her hands quickly sorting out the herbs when Kol walked past her and pulled her along with him by her arm.

She stumbled and all the green things on her hand fell to the ground, she huffed and fought him. "Where are we going?"
"We are going for water." he said and kept dragging her along with him.

"You don't have to handle me like I'm a horse." she said mad and pulled her arm.
He ignored her and kept dragging her along; she had enough and narrowed her eyes.

Kol stopped clutching his head and she smiled but he turned around quickly and was inches away from her face. "You better think of one good reason to I shouldn't rip your head off right now." he hissed at her.
It was a smug smile that graced her features. "You need me to send you back to the present where you have all that coffin nostalgia waiting for you."

Kol narrowed his hazel beauties at her in return. "I'm suddenly thorn between torturing you or compelling you to harm yourself while I watch."
"Whatever gets you off." she said serious and openly challenging him.

Kol smiled at her and nodded. "I'll decide during our day together."
She rolled her eyes at him and crossed her arms. "We don't need all day to get water from the river."

There was a bastard smirk on his lips. "You tend to get tired very easily."
She was furious. "Why am I always the one in charge of the hard work?"

Kol simply shrugged. "It's too much fun seeing you all mad and cursing, besides I didn't ask to come here, you decided to grace me with this gift, I'm gently returning the favor." he smiled at her.

She closed her eyes trying to steady her anger, she followed Kol mad but she got the water back to the hut without asking for help, she was too stubborn to ask him anything. After he sent her the second time, she really thought of quitting, the river was still far and the wooden pail was heavy when filled with water. She barely made it the third time he sent her because they would need water to wash themselves later at night, so he said as an excuse.

It was a hot day and the sun was really strong today, she dropped the pail harshly on top of the table, spilling a little and sat down taking a break, she pulled her dress up to her knees and dipped her hand inside the pail, the cold water felt blissful against her neck when she took her wet palm there.

She looked around making sure Kol wasn't being a pervert and watching her as usual, when she was certain to be alone, she took a small cloth from the little spot on the ground where she slept and got it wet. She used the cloth to freshen up, running it slowly through her legs, her arms, the back of her neck which made her moan and close her eyes happy that it was so cold against her hot skin.

She got the fabric wet again and ran it slowly through her collarbone and down to her cleavage.
She smiled because it felt good; when she was done, she stood up and was going to carry the pail to the floor where the other two were when his strong hand grabbed the handle and Bonnie froze.

She quickly searched his eyes worried that she had actually given him a free show but his eyes were unreadable to her.
"You should rest now." he simply said and took the heavy wooden piece from her easily joining it with the others.

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