Raw emotion

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Bonnie looked at the berries and licked her lips, she was starving, she hadn't eaten nothing since they arrived to the past. She frowned, this could be confusing.
She reached for them and took a hand full, they looked delicious and her mouth watered instantly.

"Those are poisonous." Kol said walking past her.
Bonnie opened her hand, the berries fell to the ground and she grabbed her really long dress in her hands. She followed him with her stomach starting to make loud noises.

"Are you sure you know where we can find these herbs we need?" Bonnie asked him with suspicion, they had been walking aimlessly for too long and he didn't look really sure where they were supposed to be headed.
Kol stopped looking at the path in front of him, he raised one eyebrow because it was a crossroad and he had to choose between right and left.

"My memory might be a little... foggy" he frowned and looked at the left path, then he tried to see more into the right one.
Bonnie stopped next to him. "Perfect."

He gave her an annoyed look. "I was only 19 at the time and I didn't really venture into the woods that much."
"Busy de-flowering sweet innocent girls instead?" She gave him a smile.

Kol chuckled amused. "No... busy with family things."
Bonnie showed her perfect full smile. "I have a hard time imagining you all bonding together as a normal family, even as humans."

Kol had a smaller smile now. "I was busy dodging my father's wrath and his constant humiliation sprees."
Bonnie grimaced and looked into the woods, trying to not feel emotional. "I think we should go to the right."

Kol smiled. "Left it is." he said and pulled her hand, dragging her along to his left.
She tripped a couple of times before he finally allowed her to walk normally and alone. Once she got her hand back she decided she had enough and sat on a huge rock. She took the rim of the ridiculously long dress and pulled it hard, she managed to tear it apart and made a circle movement around her, when she was done her dress was shorter and she smiled victoriously.
She looked at Kol and her smile faded into a blush; he was staring at her, she pushed the dress down, realizing her legs were too exposed to the Original Gigolo.

"Are you done?" he asked snapping from his rude stare.
"Yes." she said and stood up, walking past him.

Kol looked after her; he hadn't realized before how attractive Bonnie really was. Witch or not, she was really easy on the eyes.

Caroline moved another big branch away from her face and clasped her lips, she was so mad that he brought her along with him and that they had been walking for hours. They left the hut by morning and she knew it was close to the afternoon already. Even as a vampire her feet were killing her, these stupid leather shoes he got for her were murdering her delicate feet.
She decided to stop, he ceased as well when he realized her loud sighs and huffing sounds weren't close to his ear anymore.
Klaus turned to her. "Is there a really strong reason for us to be stopping now love?"

"I'm tired." she simply said.
He gave her a sarcastic smile. "You are a vampire, keep walking." he said and resumed on his way.

Caroline fought a big pout. "My feet are bleeding Klaus."
He ignored her and made his way further up the hill, he could listen to the sound of the water so he knew they were close.

"Where are we going?" she quietly asked knowing there was no use in fighting him, she pushed her pain to the back of her mind. "I know that this isn't the way to the village because you said it was close to the house we are staying in and we have been walking for hours now Klaus... on the opposite direction."
He smiled when he reached the top; there it was, the amazing waterfall. The original one that existed before all the others that were discovered throughout the years, this one was huge and amazing. Original like them.

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