Into the Wild

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"Caroline, you will be late for school!" Liz yelled before closing the front door.

The blonde beauty stared at the ceiling in that dazing state that she found herself on most mornings now. She got up from her bed slowly coming to the mirror and moved her golden locks; there it was, she touched the mark on her neck that she couldn't remember how she got.
She had a foggy memory and knew it was a bite but all she could remember was having sex with Damon like most nights for the last week. She rubbed this sore point in her neck and raised her eyes widening them as she saw him there behind her, looking at her.

Damon waved at her and then his fangs came out and he flashed to her, Caroline in instinct covered her face and screamed as loud as her lungs allowed her.

She woke up and gasped touching her neck that was burning; she closed her eyes remembering her vivid dream, it wasn't often that she would dream of Damon and his abusive days but she still had the dreams. She pulled her knees up and laced an arm around them trying to push the painful memories away when the deep voice brought her back into the current reality she was in.

"Are you all right?" he asked quietly.
"Yes..." she said pulling herself together and fixing her messy hair.

She quickly got up and fixed her smelly old dress as well, she didn't dare to look at him mostly because she didn't want him to use this on her later. She hopped that he hadn't listen to anything she might have given away in her agitated sleep.

Bonnie came inside the hut carrying a huge load of wooden logs, she dropped them tired and mad on the floor. Kol came in twirling a small log in the air; he smiled at Klaus happy that he had been able to get Bonnie so upset with only a few hours into the day.

The witch shook the dirt away from her beautiful dress and looked at Caroline with suspicion. "Are you ok?"
Her blonde friend nodded but didn't talk.

Bonnie came near her. "What happened?" she looked at Klaus at once.
The Original removed his boots from the chair in front of him and stood up, he picked one of the swords and gave Bonnie a look. "I was just telling Caroline that we need to go, today is market day and everyone will be at the village."

Caroline squinted slightly at him, he had no reason to distract Bonnie from her growing concern with her.
"I don't have all day sweetheart." He said annoyed and nodded towards the door.

Caroline gave Bonnie a small smile and touched her arm moving her still shaky legs, Klaus led the way and neither of them spoke, she was still caught in her nightmare and touched her neck again. She frowned realizing they had stopped, she looked around but she didn't see anything.

She sighed watching Klaus tilt his head and then he closed his eyes and seemed to be having one of those odd Nature moments, she sighed again loudly and covered her eyes, her head was pounding and she knew it was from the lack of blood. "Are we going to stay here all day waiting for the trees to talk to you?" she asked annoyed.

Klaus flashed and was behind her, he gently covered her mouth and she wanted to fight him because it would help her shake her stress away, at least a bit. But he rested his lips to her ear and his stubble scratched her face slightly. "Wait for it..."

She looked at him upset but he didn't move and just smiled, she hated herself for noticing the dimples. Caroline looked ahead of her and was speechless, the big deer came out of the green landscape ahead of them and looked in their direction; she smiled seeing such a big animal, they didn't have any this size back in present Mystic Falls.
And then she jumped slightly because a large grey wolf stepped out from the woods and easily flung himself at the big prey. He took down the deer without any resistance and even though she couldn't really look away she still looked down from the killing happening in front of her.

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