Sleeping secrets

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Caroline touched her foot; she ran her fingers through the skin that should be damaged by the animal trap that caught her. But there was nothing now, just smooth skin and the dizzy memory of Klaus rescuing her and feeding her, yet another time. She dipped her foot back under the hot water inside the bathtub and then leaned back submerging entirely; Caroline closed her eyes under the water and tried to push away the image of the man who stubbornly wouldn't leave her mind.

She remained like this for the longest time taking advantage of her lack of need to breathe until a sound startled her and she opened her eyes to find Tyler looking at her with a grin on his face.
Caroline jolted from under the water and sat up.

"Hey there babe." he said and without notice kissed her.
Caroline didn't really answer the kiss mostly because it was hasty and hurried. "Tyler..." she tried to speak between his claim for her lips but he had very defined plans and almost roughly shoved his tongue between her lips forcing a much deeper kiss than she wanted. She was taken by his urgency and gently pushed him away breathing the air that she didn't need. "Tyler... I just got back..."

"Exactly!" he grinned. "And I've missed you." he leaned over kissing her again.
"I need a little time." she said upset that he didn't understand her. She refused to give him the passion he claimed in the kiss.

"You've been back for a week now Caroline... you just need to relax babe." he said sweetly and stroking her cheek, then he took her lips gently but this time his hand found her naked body under the water and Caroline roughly pushed him away.
"Stop!" she said unexpectedly covering her naked chest with her arm and pulling her legs close to her, hugging them with her other arm.

Tyler gave her a look and then smiled. "What's with you?"
Caroline shook her head not knowing herself.

He looked at her truly lost and stood up with a big frown. "What happened in there?"
Caroline looked away from him. "I just... need to breathe. My head is still in ancient Mystic Falls."

"I can help you with that." he said with a silly smile.
Caroline raised her eyes to him really upset. "My mom just go home, she won't be happy to see you here while I'm naked inside my bathroom." she said feeling vulnerable which was strange. He was her boyfriend and he had seen her naked so many times and still she wasn't comfortable with his advances on her since they returned.

"Whatever..." he said raising his hands in the air and leaving.
He met Liz on the way but didn't talk to her, she came to Caroline's room ready to start a well rehearsed speech and probably a fight but she crumbled when she found Caroline getting ready for bed. The image would be enough to set her imagination on a ride but she always tried to be as open-minded as possible, only that this time she was worried for other reasons. Caroline was silently crying. "Hunnie... what happened?"

"Hey mom, nothing... everything is fine."
Liz came inside the room fast and made Caroline look at her. "I know you Caroline, you may not believe it but I do hunnie. What happened with Tyler?"

Caroline shook her head. "Nothing mom, he came over but I said I was tired and we decided to talk tomorrow."
Liz took away these silent tears of Caroline. "I'm worried about you Caroline, you said you were fine yesterday as well, that's all you keep saying since you got back."

"Because I am, I'm fine." she said with a smile now. "Don't worry mom, I just need another good night of sleep in an actual bed."
Liz knew Caroline and knew this was all she was getting from her tonight. Caroline sneaked under her warm covers and fell asleep quickly, Liz stayed up for a while checking on her sleep, worried about what Caroline was hiding from her.

Bonnie tossed in her bed, she couldn't sleep, she faced the ceiling and the walls around her, she focused on the bland color of them and decided she needed to get her room redone, at least repaint it with warm colors.

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