One down, Five to go

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The air came with a razor-sharp pain that spread all through his chest, he didn't need the air but his human instincts always took over in times like this. Someone had stabbed him in the heart and he lost awareness of everything around him. Now that the dagger was out he tried to touch his chest but found himself with ropes around his neck and wrists; he glanced over to the man holding it, evidently someone with a very big death wish.

The Vervain used in the ropes holding him down were no real threat though and he would soon get free to kill the ones responsible for this.
The man threw the girl on the ground in front of him, she was crying and he felt his wrath build slowly inside of him.

"Leave her alone." he said trying to choose in what way he would kill him.
"Maybe that's what you should have considered Viking monster." the man hissed at him.

He frowned wondering who knew this much about him. The other man knelt grabbing the girl's long black hair and pulled her head back, she sobbed knowing her fate and reached for his hand but he was tied up and he couldn't help her. He looked around, the entire village was destroyed, everyone was dead and Mirela was next. He fought his restrains and almost broke free but his day light ring was gone and the day was beginning, the sun rose majestically in the sky and his flesh began to slowly burn.

"I haven't done anything... please let me go." Mirela pleaded for her life.
"You have been sharing your affections with that one." The man said and cruelly executed her because of her sin.

"MIRELA!" Kol shouted as the hunter slit her throat coldly.
The man showed no signs of regret or even feelings and looked at the sky, the sun was setting in fast, maybe this could kill the Original.

But he didn't last long to answer his pray.
A blur came from behind Kol and stopped in front of him, his heart was gone in a blink of an eye.

Klaus dropped the bloodied organ on the ground furious that they were hurting his baby brother. Kol was keeping his screams to himself, his skin was burning but his eyes were on the girl dead on the ground.
Klaus freed him and held him as he fell forward into his arms.

"They killed her Nik..." he whispered.
Klaus didn't say anything, instead he took his brother away to safety.

Kol woke up with a gasp from his nightmare, his very vivid memory of what happened that day. Like all other times he woke up panting and sweating, he sat on the bed resting his feet on the cold floor and rubbed the back of his neck, it had been so long but he could still see Mirela's scared eyes as she died in front of him.
Because of him.

He closed his eyes, the images would haunt him for days now, these phases came when he least expected them and the nightmares lasted sometimes for months before leaving him.
Sleeping was of no use or point so he picked a shirt and covered his naked chest, his leather jacket was next before he left his bedroom.

The house was buried in silence and he grabbed the keys, got inside his car in need to clear his head, to find distraction. The Grill was probably closing or opening, he had no idea actually what time it was. But he found himself in a very different place as he parked in front of Bonnie's house.

He killed the engine and rested his head against the seat, now this was a mistake. Not only he was letting his silly feelings get in the way of carelessly being with a woman like Bonnie who was just stunning, he was growing... attached to her. He could be engaged in other very distracting activities right this instant and instead he was parked outside the witch' house wondering if she was sleeping and what dreams lived inside her mind.

He clasped his lips sad, he sure hoped she was having better dreams than him.
Kol realized the day was beginning when the sun shyly hit his fingers, he danced with the warm light. When a small noise called his attention he turned to the door, she was coming out and stopped before sliding her left arm through the sleeve of the long cardigan.

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