Dealing with the devil

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"Morning Matt." the new kid said sleepily and removed his hoody exposing the blue uniform shirt.
Matt smiled putting away the glasses, he liked the kid but he missed Jeremy. He was almost done with the glasses when the kid finally dragged his feet to settle the pool tables straight.

"Oh, hey Matt, I found a jacket." he said picking the black leather jacket from the ground.
Matt recognized it immediately, Rebekah must have dropped it on the table when she was dancing with Stefan and it probably fell without anyone noticing.

"What do I do with it?" The kid asked barely awake.
Matt smiled and took the jacket. "I'll return it... in fact, I'm going out for a bit James."

"You are leaving me here all alone?" The kid was perplexed.
Matt grabbed his own hoody and tapped his shoulder as he left. "Don't worry, nothing ever happens in Mystic Falls this early in the morning."

Bonnie's head was throbbing in pain, she tried to open her eyes but the pain was too strong. "Ummm..." she moaned deeply and focused touching the big cut on her forehead.
She could feel the dry blood that was sticking to her hair and face.

"If you embraced being a hunter it wouldn't hurt as much, in fact, you would be all healed by now."
Bonnie knew the voice and searched for it. "I don't want it."

Jeremy shook his head. "It didn't have to come to this Bonnie."
She struggled to focus harder and straightened enough to scoop her legs closer and sit, she found Jeremy resting against her car. "Where's the crazy wolf girl?" She asked him touching her head again that seemed on blazing fire.

"With Tyler or something..." he answered vaguely.
Thinking was hard and straining on her because of the pain but she recalled the face that she last saw before everything went dark. "And Mikael?"

"Where were you last night?"
The comeback question left her shaken. "I don't owe you any explanations Jeremy."

"Well that was fast... it didn't take you long to sleep with him."
Bonnie looked away from him upset.

"Well I wouldn't expect the hero to march in here any time soon, now that he has what he wanted from you." Jeremy said disgusted and mad that she gave in so easily to the other one.
But Bonnie wasn't mad at him, she faced him actually with a smile. "You need to grow up Jeremy."

"So that's the big difference between us? You always saw me like a kid but I already told you that I'm not Elena's kid brother anymore."
"You will always be her baby brother and a kid, wavering a hunter title does not make you all man now Jeremy."

"He's the man and I'm the boy..." he hissed at her.
Bonnie didn't bother answering him, she had all the answers she needed and she was aware that Kol being a man and mature were two very different things but at least he made her feel like a woman and a happy one. That was more than anyone ever did.

Bonnie slowly stood up. "Jer... this makes no sense. What are you going to do? Kill me?"
"That is an option my dear." Mikael interrupted the little teenage drama.

Bonnie held her own, though it was hard before a man like Mikael that exhaled evil with every breath.
"Interesting choices that my sons made..." The tall broad man paced around with a dark assemble about him. "I still have to get used to the modern ways but I did not see that one coming, Niklaus and Kol charmed by a witch and a young vampire." He easily taunted his new prey.

Bonnie just looked at him without fear. "What do you want with me?"
"I beg you not to insult me, we both know why I came for you." he answered serious.

"Because the other hunters asked you?" she didn't bother looking at Jeremy.
But Mikael did. "Go make sure we are not interrupted."

"Here? In the middle of the woods, ten feet away from her house?" Jeremy asked without much interested in moving.
Mikael stared at him. "Do as I say boy."

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