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"God I hate him. SO much!" Caroline said sitting roughly on the bed.
Bonnie was trying to pick a good dress which was proving to be really hard today.

"And he lied to me, everything is a plan and a scheme with him and urgh I hate him!" Caroline said with her hands in the air and with wide eyes.
Bonnie looked in the mirror, she wasn't happy with the red number and decided to change again, she wasn't ignoring Caroline altogether but she was getting tired of listening to how much Caroline hated Klaus. "He's Klaus... what were you expecting Caroline?" she asked picking a dark blue dress this time that had a nice view to her cleavage.

"And that's supposed to explain everything?" Caroline asked standing up again.
Bonnie sighed. "Why are we trying to explain his actions again? Klaus is a sociopath and he has no reasons behind his actions."

Caroline pursed her lips and leaned against the dressing table watching Bonnie finish getting ready. "So... I haven't been totally honest with you."
Bonnie didn't look at Caroline and kept her eyes on the mirror fixing her hair now.

Caroline shook her head with a deep sigh. "I can't stop thinking of what happened during that week."
Bonnie chuckled. "How stupid right? It's not like we had the best time there..."

"Are you feeling it as well?" Caroline asked quietly.
"That something is off, wrong? Missing..." Bonnie asked grabbing the sides of her neck.

Caroline nodded. "I can't even focus with Tyler. I'm always thinking that something went wrong, that we did something wrong because it feels strange not..."
Bonnie smiled. "Not having the two of them always around us, nagging and making our lives miserable?"

"Something like that... what happened between you and Kol?"
Bonnie stared at her high heels. "We kissed." she whispered.

Caroline couldn't bring herself to judge her. "I met human Klaus."
Bonnie looked at her stunned.

"And I met him more than once..." Caroline admitted. "I searched for him."
"I've seen a side of Kol that I wasn't expecting but Klaus said it was all a mission. He was supposed to keep me entertained and gain leverage to use on me later."

Caroline grimaced with her friend's sadness. "I'm sorry Bon..."
Bonnie shook her head slowly. "It's ok... I'm used to it... I suppose I'm not the happy ever... anything kind of girl."

Caroline didn't like the way she was talking. "Don't say that Bonnie."
"Honestly Care? As wrong as that was, when he was kissing me I was happy. I didn't have an awful mother that left and I wasn't thinking about my Gran or any of that. I was just a girl kissing a boy and liking it a lot."

"I understand Bonnie..."
"And Klaus?" Bonnie took her friend's hand sending her a warm energy.

"It's not like he took me to a dungeon and locked me inside either... his only torture method consisted of taking me to a foreign country and allowing me to sleep in the finest pair of sheets I have ever touched."
"We spent a week under a lot of pressure where we only had them to rely on"

Caroline pushed her high heel down on the wooden floor. "We were never in actual danger when they were around."
Bonnie smiled at her friend unable to explain how her mind was a mess as well.

"But I still hate Klaus and urgh... he's an ass and selfish and evil and I just hate him!" Caroline said quickly going for her purse.
Bonnie laughed following her friend to the party.

The two hybrids parted so that Klaus and Elijah could step inside, the older Original looked at Connor unable to move, trapped in this grotesque wooden device.
"Missing the Spanish Inquisition brother?" Elijah touched his suit.

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