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"Step away from her Tyler." Matt said with a harsh tone.
Tyler moved away from Caroline that cried on the floor. "I don't even know why I'm so surprised..." he looked at Matt. "I should have seen this one coming... I spent so much energy fighting him but in the end not even killing him would bring me any peace. This is a stupid war that none of us will ever win... those hybrids died because of me and my arrogance. And I pushed her away because of this... I pushed her to him."

Tyler quietly left the room without looking back once, he was done fighting this war, all he wanted now was to pack his things and leave to never return to Mystic Falls ever again.
Matt came to Caroline that stood by the bed now, her body was shaking from the sobs she tried to restrain inside.
He slowly took the stake she held in her hands now, having pulled it out from his chest.

She looked at him feeling his motions. "I don't know what's happening... is he dead?"
"I don't think that's the real white stake." He quietly explained and touched her cheek with the back of his hand.

She closed her eyes for a second with the comfort and then looked away from him.
"Caroline..." he tried but she shook her head.

"I don't want to talk about it." she said and cleaned her face. "We need to help Rebekah." she easily snapped out of her pain.
He looked at the bed before leaving as well.

Kol smiled into the heated kiss, he stroked her cheek enjoying that there was a smile on her lips as well. He kissed her again, slowly; their urgency was somewhat tamed now that his shirt was gone and that he was allowed to indulge in the perfect woman beneath him.
How he loved the way she moaned when he started kissing her neck, her green eyes closed falling helplessly by the intimacy of the moment.

Well as much as they could be intimate making love in the back seat of his car.
There was a louder moan this time as he reached her cleavage and she felt the tip of his tongue teasing her skin, why was he so evil to her? Because she loved every second of it and she wasn't able to hide it at all.

It only took him a few more kisses, running his hands down the side of her body and applying the right pressure to make her let out his name in a whisper. Bonnie felt her breath caught up as he trailed her skin with those soft lips of his and there was nothing she wanted more than to feel all of him now.
Her hands found his wild hair, setting patterns that he knew so well by now and loved.

Kol's lips parted from her skin and she frowned not happy with it, he belonged as close to her as she could have him. Their eyes met and in that second it really was like time stopped and the world ceased to turn, and she felt everything that you are supposed to feel when you are in love and you know that he is the one.

She traced his chest with her hands slowly reaching his neck as he allowed his warmth to cover her again, completely this time; naked bodies melting together while they kissed each other slowly. She smiled again tugging at the back of his neck and his hair, his lips were touching hers with every slow move because he was so close to her and she made sure he stayed exactly like that.

And in that moment that her leg was laced around him, that her hands were pulling his hair, that he pressed her to him and that they gazed at each other while moving, everything was just perfect.
"I love you Kol..." she whispered between blissful moans knowing she was close to a sweet end.

His hand moved to her face, holding her cheek while his thumb touched her lips. He just looked at her, vulnerable to her and everything she made him feel.
It was the sweetest kiss he gave her next, an amazing touch of his lips against hers and then he smiled like she hadn't seen yet, honest and happy.

She pressed herself to him with a need to feel him closer, to have him just to herself unwilling to share him with anyone else, his hold on her was tighter as well and she wanted to believe that he felt the same way about her.
There was almost a painful expression in him now, she smiled able to sooth it and stroked his face, lost in all that hazel in his eyes.

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