Rotten Apples

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Caroline rushed inside the mansion like she belonged there, like she was just returning home. He smiled with the thought, he could get used to having Caroline walking around his house filling it with joy and light. He caught his face on the big mirror, the face however he couldn't get used to.

"Where's Kol?" She asked slowing down as the living room was nothing but a destroyed mess.
Elijah spun around the wrecked furniture and broken glass. "Out, looking for Bonnie." he eyed Matt suspicious.

"I take it that he is responsible for the new decoration?" she asked picking up a once beautiful white sculpture.
"He was very upset that he allowed her to leave alone last night." Elijah said with a sigh, his favorite painting had been caught on the path of Kol's wrath.

Caroline picked the remaining of her favorite art piece as well; she gently ran her fingers through the name on the rest of the canvas that used to have a horse in it. "This one didn't survive either..." she said looking around the immense destruction. "Why didn't he stay with her?" she looked at Elijah.
The older Original returned one of the few sculptures that remained intact to its righteous place. "A girl named April has appeared out of nowhere, apparently Mirela has been reincarnated and her memories are awake in this girl."

"I don't know who that is." Caroline said with her eyes on the name that graced that piece of canvas.
"Kol's only love... until Bonnie that is." Elijah grimaced unable to savage anything else.

"Are we going to stay here all day and mourn the art?" Matt asked quietly.
Both Elijah and Caroline shot their heads to Matt, he could pick up on their anger.

"If my brother was awake he would be most aggravated with the mass destruction."
Caroline shook her head at Matt, scolding him. "You promised to behave."

"I am behaving but we have Bonnie missing and Kol obviously in a very volatile mood, loose out there and no idea where Shane and Mikael are. Danger prompts art." he said serious.
Caroline looked at Elijah, the man in a suit nodded. "I'll see what I can do, who I can find..." He left quickly but returned to the room shortly after. "You should stay here Caroline. This is the safest place for you right now."

She quickly dismissed the concern. "I should be out helping as well."
"With Niklaus sleeping, it's my duty to look after you and to insure your safety."

She smiled overwhelmed with the words and their meaning, she nodded in response and then looked at Matt. "We are cleaning up this mess while they are all gone. I need the distraction." she said and left to look for bags.
He bowed his head smiling, yes, Caroline would fit right into his house, keeping it under her strict control.

Shane handed stakes to Elena and Jeremy. "These won't kill them obviously but they have a little twist to them."
Both Gilberts took them smiling.

"All we need now is that white stake." Elena said.
"Can we count on you?" Shane asked her.

She put her stake inside her bag and pulled her hair up in a ponytale. "Everyone thinks that I'm sired to Damon because of the way I turned from Stefan to him so I'm taking advantage of that."
Shane was impressed with the girl and turned to Bonnie as the siblings left.

The girl wiped her tears away noticing his stare on her. "You took away my powers."
He looked genuinely upset. "You left me no other choice, which now makes you a weaker hunter, without your powers it will be hard to kill Kol."

"Then I'm ending up like Hayley." she said suspicious of her fate.
"Not entirely. You may be somewhat useless to me now but you will still serve a purpose."

"What do you mean exactly?"
Shane smiled. "You know the answer to that one Bonnie, you are a very smart woman, despite from the fact that you have decided to nurture feelings for an original."

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