This feels real

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"We need to find Caroline." Klaus said on edge.
"Can't you just leave my girlfriend alone?" Tyler snapped as Klaus made his way to the car.

Klaus didn't bother answering him, he had to find her.
Tyler rushed and slammed the door as soon as Klaus opened it. "Stop chasing Caroline."

"As gallant as your pathetic jealousy might seem to you, she is in danger Tyler." Klaus said with a serious will to just end the hybrid in front of him.
"Danger of what?" he still wasn't convinced.

"You freed the hunter that was after me..."
"I'm not following..." Tyler said but Klaus was done explaining, he didn't have time for this so he got into his car and drove away fast.

"Why are you here daddy?" Caroline asked slowly.
Bill smiled warmly at her. "Let's go for a walk sweety."

"How can I see you? Am I dead?" She asked looking at her hand where that symbol had been just moments ago. She looked at the ground but the body was gone.
"No sweety... but you will be soon." Bill said and stroked her beautiful blonde hair.

Caroline felt the tears sting in her eyes. "Why?"
Bill reached for her hands and helped her get up, he pulled her into a tight hug. "Because you don't deserve to live Caroline."

Caroline held back her tears as much as she could.

"Ok... this a great time to stop..." she whispered but kissed him again, stroked his neck and moaned because his body pressed her against the door.
"I agree." he said kissing her bottom lip before moving his hand to her neck. He kissed her chin and moved to her ear.

Bonnie rested the back of her head against the front door of her house. "We... should like... stop and..."
She didn't finish her line because he was kissing her again and not so innocently.

The way his tongue swiftly tasted hers was really driving her insane and she was getting too aroused by his kisses. But she had to put it to an end because her ringing phone was urging her to answer.
She kissed him but took the phone out, she broke the series of kisses just to see who it was. The name made her frown, she didn't even know she had his number.

Bonnie stopped Kol's eager ways by placing her finger on his lips. He smiled and started nibbling on it, she pushed him away laughing.
"Yes?" she answered her cell with a smile.

Bonnie lost her smile at once, Klaus' words left her worried and serious and she slowly looked at kol.

"What have you done?" Tyler shouted at Hayley angry.
She smiled at him holding a bottle. "Awaken a new hunter. Connor was too narrow-minded, he hated all vampires and I needed someone who would focus and willing to do anything to kill just Klaus."

"I was with Klaus just now and he got all worked up because of Caroline."
Hayley narrowed her eyes. "Your plastic doll? Why?"

"You tell me, apparently he got all concerned over her when I mentioned that Connor was after him."
"Hummm..." Hayley said serious and then drank from the bottle.

"Hayley!" Tyler pressed.
"You didn't mention that it was returned."

"What was?" he threw his hands in the air upset.
"Klaus' infatuation with your girl."

Tyler shook his head. "You are not making any sense."
Hayley took a large sip from the bottle and then sighed deeply. "I set Connor after the one person that Klaus cared about. I figured he would go for Rebekah and when she killed him, she would have the hallucinations and I would have a decent new hunter."

Tyler looked down on the floor, he turned around facing the wall.
"A hunter knows things, we just... feel them. I can't explain it to you but we know exactly how to make our Original hurt. We can feel it in our bones who are on their side and who is a weakness to them. Our purpose as a hunter is to make them weak, bring them to the edge of madness and then finish them."

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