The calling

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Jeremy waited for Bonnie outside of school, she smiled in that sweet warm way of hers when she saw him.
"Good morning gorgeous." he said warmly as well.

Bonnie gave him a look. "Why are you being so nice to me?"
Jeremy returned with an annoyed expression. "I'm always nice to you."

Bonnie laughed and started walking. "It's too early Jeremy, I'm still sleeping to properly argue with you."
He followed her closely. "Bonnie you looked amazing last night."

She blushed tremendously. "I didn't see you there..."
"You looked different." Jeremy said slowly.

Bonnie took her eyes away from him, he was staring at her and it was making her uncomfortable. "Jer... don't." she asked him.
Jeremy took a step closer to her. "Don't you ever think about what happened? We just ended things in such a bad way. Maybe we still have a lot of unsolved stuff between us."

She looked at him again. "Jeremy I don't have unsolved feelings for you. You cared more about a ghost than you cared about me."
"I'm sorry Bonnie..."

She smiled with his honesty. "So am I Jer... but how do you think that made me feel? I was here, alive and you were thinking of a way to bring your dead former girlfriend back."
"I've been having a lot of dreams lately Bonnie... about Anna and I'm staking her in my dreams." he stopped on the way to the door.

Bonnie took his arm and pulled him aside. "When did these dreams start?"
Jeremy shook his head. "I'm not well Bonnie... I think I need help."

She stroked his arm. "You should talk to Elena about it."
He gave her a sweet smile. "I feel closer to you... can't you be the one to help me?"

Bonnie looked at her hand in his arm; Jeremy placed his big hand over hers. "I can't Jeremy." she said and tried to pull her hand away.
"I don't know what's wrong with me Bonnie but you are the only one I trust. I need to talk to someone Bonnie... please." he said keeping her hand in his.

She melted with his sweet way and she couldn't say no to him so she agreed. "Call me tomorrow after school."
He smiled and released her hand but not before brushing her knuckles sweetly with his finger. Bonnie politely smiled and walked away, getting away from his warm touch, all of this was just a bit too late.

Jeremy swiftly sent a text to someone.
I'm meeting her alone tomorrow.

His answer was quick.
Bring her here; make sure no one sees you.

Jeremy's sweet smile was gone, he put his cell away and clenched his jaw watching Elena arrive alone. He could hardly wait to start killing all of them.

Bonnie dodged the looks she got today at school, most girls were talking about her. She could tell by the way they laughed between themselves and pointed at her. She saw Rebekah by the lockers and went to her.

"Hey." Bonnie said stopping by her side.
Rebekah gave Bonnie a strange gaze; the witch was talking to her willingly.

Bonnie smiled. "I just wanted to thank you for saying that to Damon last night."
Rebekah closed her locker. "I don't like your friend Elena and her judging little army but I like you."

Bonnie smiled.
Rebekah looked at her expecting Bonnie to walk away now that the talk was over but surprisingly the witch didn't move.

"I saw Matt by his truck and he looked ok." Bonnie said looking at the hall, girls were slowly moving on to better topics than her mysterious attendance to the party last night.
"No one will be feeding from him because of that spell you performed, he's safe for now and hopefully Elena will be utterly dead when the spell does wear off."

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