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Caroline lowered her head so she could see the landscape better, Klaus wasn't driving slowly enough for her to fully indulge in all the new images but he wasn't racing like she expected either. They reached a crossroad and Klaus turned the car to the right, making way to a wide road surrounded by big green trees on each side of it, like they were blessing the car between them. Caroline couldn't help the smile, this was breathtaking and she never in a million years imagined to be here seeing any of this.
She casually looked at the man next to her, he looked good behind a wheel but then again she had to admit Klaus was one of those men that looked good doing anything. By simply standing in one place he looked stunning and it was hard not being compelled by that.

She turned to her window and closed her eyes, it was so wrong to have these thoughts, she was cheating on Tyler with her thoughts, of how good Klaus looked and how awful his human days had been and how comfortable she felt around him. It didn't feel awkward like going out with a guy for the first time and she wasn't scared of him, she should be but she wasn't.

He didn't have that vibe around her.
She chuckled, he didn't have that vibe around her. Seriously Caroline? He killed people out of sheer boredom and he didn't have a dangerous vibe around her...

Klaus glanced at her, she was acting all weird now. First she couldn't get enough of the sights like he expected, so much he forced himself to slow down the car so she could properly enjoy it all. Then she kept looking at him like he was a rare species on the zoo, like she was trying to see something that wasn't there. And now she was laughing to herself, probably thinking of the dull life she had back at Mystic Falls with the other petty hybrid.

Klaus clutched the wheel, he couldn't stand the boy at all. Caroline deserved better than Tyler, he would never be able to give her all that she needed, history was full of women like Caroline. So beautiful that she would drive men into duels for her company, turn brothers against each other, start wars just by smiling and stealing hearts carelessly. But she had a good heart as well, there was good in Caroline, warmth that appealed to him because everything inside of him was so cold and dead. Klaus glanced over to her and caught her looking at him. He expected her to break the connection instantly but she held it a little longer.

Kol went through the set of books, only Mystic Falls would have such a small public library and so many self-help books. He rolled his eyes annoyed, Nik had far better taste; he came around another rank, he tapped the books that dealt with supernatural issues and was twice annoyed. It went on for the rest of the row and around it.

He came around the corner at least happy that the silly teens of Mystic Falls were apparently all in school. Therefor the shock of finding Bonnie sitting on the ground reading, came out of nowhere. She looked up at him surprised to find him here as well.
He looked down on the book upset that she was reading the one that he was after.

Bonnie looked at him hesitant. "What are you doing here?"
"Already leaving love." He said and turned around.

Bonnie closed the book and stood up fast. "Wait!"
He ignored her.

"Are you still mad at me?"
Kol laughed. "Don't even remember what happened."

Bonnie rushed trying to catch up to him. "Ok, so maybe I shouldn't have said that back at your room..."
Kol shook his head. "Go back to your reading darling."

She pursed her lips. "I'm sorry ok?" She said a bit louder than she intended.
The old woman at the desk shushed them at once.

Kol looked at her. "Why would you use my brother against me?"
She clutched the book against her chest. "It's Elena..."

"Oh, of course, it's Elena!" he threw his hands in the air.
Bonnie sighed. "I know that you don't know what that is but I actually love my friend."

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