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Bonnie moaned running her fingers through his hair, her other hand on his sweaty neck.
Kol pressed her to him carrying on their sweet rhythm, Bonnie gasped into the kiss and opened her eyes to face him, his hands were on her back, her legs, gently feeling all of her body.

She moved with him, her hands on his shoulders feeling the way his muscles rippled as he slowly met the motions of the woman straddling him. She scratched his shoulders slowly when he pressed her lower back even harder to him, making Bonnie feel things she never experienced before, she stared into his eyes lost in him and making him groan in pleasure because she matched his every move with passion.

Their breathes became thick and one, Bonnie kissed him again losing her fingers in his hair. "Kol..." she moaned closing her eyes and letting go.
She didn't think when she was with him, he had the sheer ability of making her forget about the world, the responsibility and duty that were so heavy on her. When she was with him, all that disappeared, even more now that he was so focused on her.

And he was, Kol was focused on the amazing woman on his lap, giving herself to him so intensely and felt her body react so sweetly to every push, her hands touched him, caressed him and he moved his all the way up her back to her neck, she moaned again in such pleasure that he smiled, that was the very sound he wanted to listen to for the rest of his eternity.
They locked eyes again and then everything was different, it wasn't just two bodies searching for release on their pleasure, it was just a powerful unravel of everything that had been growing between them.

In that second she frowned probably wondering what was going on in his mind but he was struggling with something he hadn't felt in a very long time. He took her face and brought her lips to him, kissed her but slowly this time, taking his time with her.

Kol leaned her backwards so that she lay on his black sheets stopping for a moment, outlining her face, her spellbound smile left him dazzled and he smiled as well because he felt close to her. Her legs were sweetly wrapped around his, around him and her hands were always in touch with his skin and his hair and everything was slow.

His name on her perfect lips made his chest ache but it was the sweetest sound to him as well so he kept moving exactly as he has been, losing himself in all these blissful sounds she made.
She pulled his hair, left sweet displays of passion on his back and his name danced sinfully on her lips until she threw her head back and her body gave in to him.

His breath was racing as he brought her down from her high allowing his humanity to find comfort in the arms that wrapped around him keeping him locked with her.

Tyler took a slow look around himself, he was standing in the middle of a blood bath, hearts and heads lying around like gruesome ornaments mixing with the green landscape.
Hayley dragged her feet in shock, she felt tears that she didn't want. "They are all dead... he killed them all." She covered her mouth like that was enough to prevent the horrible stun.

Tyler remained silent, he bent down touching a necklace full of blood. "I did this... I killed them, I doomed them all when I thought I could take him on."
"You still can..." she said slowly looking at him.

Tyler closed his hand around the necklace mad. "They just wanted a leader and I thought I could be one... but Klaus did this just to show me that I can't, that he decides our fate and if I try to cross him again, more of us will die."
"You can't give up now Tyler..." Hayley tried to keep her quest but he didn't listen to her.

He searched for alcohol bottles and started a fire to cover for all the mess Klaus left behind from his slaughter of an entire pack of unsired hybrids.

Caroline arrived to The Grill in a bad mood, she slumped on the first stool she found and waved at Matt. "I need a really strong drink."
"You look upset." Rebekah said moving her bottle of Tequila near Caroline.

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