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Bonnie easily ate her apple and picked another wood log that she placed on Caroline's arms. Her friend smiled taking the huge load for her, it was time that she had a little rest from all the hard work. Caroline went to the hut and Bonnie stopped by the flowers, she picked a yellow one and played with it, instead of going after Caroline she sneaked a look at the Original stroking the horse between his eyes.

Bonnie took another bite from her red apple and slowly gulped down the food when Kol raised his eyes to her, she fought a blush and an awkward smile. Kol looked down again and kept stroking the horse that was feeding slowly.
"Okay..." Bonnie mumbled and looked at the hut, Caroline was busy inside and she was aware that this was a mistake but she slowly walked towards the man minding over the animal.

Kol looked at her when she came closer but neither of them spoke, she stopped on the other side of the animal and played with her flower, afraid to touch him.
"Does he have a decent name yet?" She asked without looking at Kol.

She gave him a sad look. "Poor thing... you can't call him that."

He shrugged. "Everything in this place is dead."
Bonnie grimaced. "Aren't you the cheerful one this morning."

He kept his eyes on the ground. "You saw me with something in my eye let's not jump into the friends department just yet."
Bonnie became serious. "I was crying too."

"Because you are weak." he said still not looking at her.
"You really are an epic moron."

"And there's not much stopping me from saving Henrik's life, I don't care about the pathetic bunch of you in risk of dying in the future."
"Are you going to kill Elijah as well? And Rebekah? Because if you do this, none of you will make it." she kept her eyes on him, mad that he wasn't looking at her.

"No one cares about us, we shouldn't care about any of you and Bekah and Elijah would be thankful. There's nothing in the future waiting for us..."
Bonnie wasn't mad now and touched the horse, she stroked the back of it and her hand stopped inches away Kol's. "I know that you want to save him, he's an amazing little kid whose life was cut short but we all lost so many along the way. If you do this, it will unbalance everything and a lot more people will die." she spoke slowly and her fingers almost touched his "Besides... a lot can happen in the future."

Kol looked up at her, meeting her green eyes and that damn warmth inside his chest showed up again, he removed his hand from the horse. "The only thing waiting for you in the future is me severing your pretty head away from your neck."

Bonnie retracted her hand as well and walked away, Kol looked on the ground, he saw the flower she had played with.

Caroline fought with the fireplace, she really was a mess on these house chores and the stupid fire wasn't being nice, she messed around with the logs but the fire wasn't answering like it should. With a deep sigh she realized she forgot to take the previous ashes away and made a disgusted face taking them out before starting another fire.

She got rid of them and huffed working that damn fire, she placed the huge bowl with water over it and ran the back of her hand across her face, pushing her hair away.
Caroline came outside and washed her hands, she caught her hair in a single braid and used a piece of her horrible dress to hook everything up, she turned towards the hut when she saw Klaus standing there, leaning against the threshold with a smirk on his face.

"Don't you look like the perfect housewife sweetheart."
Caroline fixed her dreadful dress and pushed her braid behind her shoulder. "I'm no housewife Klaus."

Oh that fire.
She went by him headed inside but he stopped her, she looked down on her arm.

"Not so fast love." he said with a smile.
Caroline freed her arm and gave him a smile as well. "What can I do for you Klaus? Wash your clothes?"

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