And so it ends

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Damon placed the white stake on top of the mantel and looked at Kol sitting on the couch staring at the burning fire. "Don't get me wrong, I love this new twist and the opportunity to kill an Original but I'm still surprised and suspicious with your formal request to be killed."
"I don't hold any of your bloodlines and I know this would only make you gloat of pride for the next centuries so I don't expect much resistance to my simple request."

"Your siblings will hunt Damon down and kill him for it." Jeremy said next to Damon.
"He is right, your psychotic family won't deal well with me fulfilling your last wish."

"Jeremy will say that I tried to kill him and you and anyone that was close enough. They will understand after you leave town and hide carefully, but I wouldn't worry too much, they all have other matters in mind."

"It must be a very big suicide wish because you look very calm and peaceful..." Damon looked at Jeremy.
Kol finished his drink and placed the glass on the floor, he looked at Damon and smiled. "Are you going to kill me Damon or analyze me?"

Damon nodded. "Kill you." he grabbed the stake.
Kol stood up sure of his decision, there weren't many things left that he believed in this life but he believed in what he felt for Bonnie and what he was accomplishing with his death. She would be free to live the life she never had, he knew Elijah would take care of her because that was just his older brother. He would make sure she was safe and away from Klaus and that's all he cared about now.

Damon sized the stake in his hand but wasn't as decisive as Kol needed.
"I will compel you Damon to do it anyway."

The other vampire took a second to reevaluate. "Where's the catch? You can't just walk into my house and ask me to kill you. So out of the blue."
"I forgot to send you a letter earlier stating that I didn't want anyone else to kill me but you."

Damon responded to the lifeless tone in Kol. "I'm flattered. Ok, let's do this... don't move."
Kol didn't answer or even blinked as Damon finally seemed ready to do it.

Damon held his breath and came at Kol, he stopped inches away from Kol's heart because Stefan showed up unexpectedly and pushed Damon away. He looked at his brother shaking his head after hitting the mantel. "I'm not even sure I want to know why you just saved an Original. Again!"
Stefan looked at Kol that was about to lose it and rip him apart. "I wouldn't want this for you Damon, I would want to have a say as your brother if someone was about to end your life."

Kol snarled and his fangs showed up. "I'll just give him a reason to kill me then."
"If you touch him I won't come near you and just so you know, I can't be compelled. Since Elena was turned that I have been on Vervain." Damon hissed mad.

"Why are you worried about my siblings? None of them care about my choices." Kol told Stefan with a low scowl.
"You might just be wrong..." Stefan said and looked at the door.

Kol dismissed his fangs and vampire look because of the recently arrived guests. "Who invited you?"
Rebekah and Elijah came to him wanting to do a lot of things, among those kick him for being so stubborn and uncontrollable.

"What are you doing?" Rebekah asked him with an urge to slap him hard across the face.
"Stay out of this Bekah." Kol said avoiding Elijah's parental look.

"Stefan called us when you came up with the most idiotic plan in all history of idiotic plans." Rebekah really had to restrain from doing it.
"This isn't what we talked about Kol." Elijah intervened and Kol looked at him this time.

"I'm giving her a way out; you were right, Bonnie shouldn't feel guilty by taking part in my death."
Rebekah couldn't hold back any longer and went at him set on kicking his reckless Original ass to a pulp but Elijah softly held her back and kept her hands close to her body, she still felt the urge to kick him like when they were kids. "How stupid can you be? We just got all back together; we are finally acting like a family and you want to toss it all away over a woman?"

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