Chasing answers

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Caroline couldn't believe his words but his stare was intense. She turned around and left her room, she didn't bother closing the front door of the house because she knew he was just behind her. She felt his strong hand on her arm when they were both outside and faced him. "You are lying!"

His smirk told her otherwise. "Am I... Scarlett?"
Caroline reclaimed her arm back. "I was scared... I was in a different place and reality."

"You didn't look frightened to me." he kept his smug smile.
"It's not what you think." she said determined to show him how wrong he was.

"So you didn't meet me, pretend to faint so that I took you back to the village and closer to that Oak Tree..." he was half-serious for a second. "What did stop you from your task exactly?"
Caroline looked down at her boots. "How can you remember what happened?"

"When we got back it was just like a memory that was part of me, I suppose because I was human when I got turned I remembered your little compelling adventures."
"Now you are going to use this on me..." she said with a doomed voice, she regretted having told him all she did that day by the waterfall and the night before when he was hurt.

"You didn't mean any of it." his smile was gone.
Caroline looked at him surprised.

"You just said those things because you feel everything too much and you felt sorry for the coward unable to fight his own father."
Caroline gulped down, how could he say those things? "Klaus..."

But he stopped her at once. "Did you get to the tree?"
"What?" she was even more confused now.

"I left you alone a few times, one of them hours before we got back..." he was set on his ways now and she knew he was just building up his defenses, she was like him in that.
"I didn't go there and I didn't bring anything with me." she said honestly.

Klaus licked his lips, she could see a glimpse of the man that she saw in the past and it strangely made her react more than she wanted.
"I'm sorry... for what he put you through." she said slowly.

"There's no need to be sorry. It made me who I am." he tried to sound fierce and ruthless but she picked up on a lot of pain buried under all of that.
Caroline couldn't help the smile that graced her lips, it was warm and inviting and Klaus had to walk away before he lost his way again. Caroline hesitated. "Are you leaving Rebekah in my room? My mom is going to be home soon."

Klaus smiled, he could tell these were not the words she wanted to say but his eyes caught the wooden spear lying on the ground, he picked it up serious. "This is what was used to hurt Rebekah?"
"That's what I pulled out of her." she said coming closer to him. "It has wolf poison and some weird symbols"

Klaus didn't say anything, he reached for his cell and left.
Caroline opened her arms and shook her head. "What about your sister? Klaus?" She called but he didn't look back.

Bonnie had looked at her Gran's things for the last hour, she spent the ride back thinking about Kol's lips and what Professor Shane said about her Gran. Since her death that she locked everything in boxes; it was hard living in a house alone where everything reminded her of the only person that ever loved and cared for her.

She finally found the smaller box with what she wanted, pictures. Bonnie quickly went through them, they didn't seem to have any specific order but she was excited when she found the ones that obviously belonged to Sheila's college days. She smiled because she missed her so much and because she was so beautiful.

Then among all the pictures was one that made Bonnie stand up roughly from the ground. A picture with her Gran, Professor Shane and someone who she never expected in a million years. Elijah Mikaelson.

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